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" so you have 3 steps to follow , first lift up the weights , then with one hand cross over the swings , then with all your might punch the tree " the instructor voiced.

Most girls fell on the swing,  Elia passed and punched the tree nothing much moved.

It was Elina's turn , she did everything unbothered " just punch the tree " , Elina just punched the tree with no strength,  it fell and so did two more behind it.

" Elina " she looked at the instructor,  " do it again this time put your mind in it too " she nodded took a deep breath in and out then punched the tree.

The whole row of trees fell and everyone gasped " are you angry? " , " no its really hard to get me angry " , " you don't get angry? " , " no , there's a difference between anger and feeling disrespected " , the Alpha nodded.

Elina sat down by now she was starting to feel exhausted, her body was craving like crazy.

Timothy was about to seat next to her but she shook her head.

" give me some space " , " craving? " She nodded.

Ceasar was watching from a far , " right Elina , Scott and Aiden , on the tracks " she got up.

" you'll run and from the red crossed spot on the floor you'll jump and land , this is to let me feel your presence " they all nodded and stood in line they went one by one.

The guys got everyone shocked , but they were Alpha's no one expected less from them.

It was now Elina's turn as she was running Ceasar could sense her change he ran over to the instructor.

" Pull the net up she won't be able to stop " , " what ?" The Alpha stood up , " she's craving and lost control pull up the nets " they did as told but Elina jumped over the nets spinned into the air and landed on the grounds.

Her landing was like wind , like heavy wind , everyone looked away covering they eyes.

Elina had her eyes closed a knee on the floor breathing heavily , her landing had opened a big circle in the ground.

" nobody move " the instructor shouted , " what's going on? Is she running wild? " one of the guys asked.

Elia cut her hand , wanting the blood smell to drive Elina to the edge more.

She opened her eyes getting up , her eyes red " Elina " Ceasar called out , she smiled looking for her sister.

" thanks " , " Elina " , " I am fine all thanks to Lia " she pointed to her sister everyone turned looking at Elia.

" I didn't think it was that easy to stop the craving,  I mean she is the last person , I'd crave blood from " Elia was boiling with anger.

" again thank you for saving me sis , now I can go have lunch with Carl , he won't have to watch me get killed " she got out of the circle.

As she walked closer to the people her eyes turned from red to its normal color,  she stood infront of Ceasar,  " a net huh? " , " Eli.." Carl ran in and she picked him up.

" ready for lunch? " , " you bet " she walked away not even looking Ceasar's way.

Ceasar was about to follow but his father stopped him " you can't everyone is watching " , " so is she okay now? " Scott asked , " yes it seems having her sister here saved her from running wild " the instructor voiced.

" it's lunch , everyone go ahead , we'll resume tomorrow once you're put into your groups , I don't think we can do anything with this hole here today, I'd appreciate any help to help close it up " the instructor voiced.

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