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Ceasar went up to the room,  seeing how messed up it was and all the blood on the floor.

He cleaned up the blood first and the room then took a bath.

He had dinner with the kids and they all agreed to sleep in one room.

The next few days Ceasar focused on his recovery,  he even trained with the warriors in the morning and went to gym.

He started decorating the kids rooms and would cook for his wife and deliver the food himself,  Timothy not letting him in but he was okay knowing Eli was okay and healing.

Ceasar finished the rooms , even the nursery,  he bought  himself a bigger car and went to the pack house with Lucky and Luther to have breakfast with the others.

Luca still gave him a cold shoulder but the others were trying.

He took the kids to school and asked that they go home after school , Steffan agreed but he will be there to see.

Elina wasn't really okay , she was ashamed, embarrassed that even her kids feared her.

That she almost lost herself infront of them,  she would hear Ceasar coming to drop off food for her and hear from Aiden that he was training with them again and that he was doing well.

She could sense one of her kids in the room , " how long will you sit there and watch over me ? " , " are you okay ? " , " do you fear me is that why you're hiding? " , " no I was hiding because I thought  I make you uncomfortable " Lunia appeared infront of her and sat next to him.

" and your brothers? " , " Lucky and Luther have been living with dad , Luca is well I don't know he refuses to talk or get out of his room , the rest are fine " , " and Crystal? " , " mom let's go home " , " Lunia " , " today is your birthday,  dad called us home today come home with us " , " Lunia it's not that easy ".

" we just want our parents back , our mother finally happy , and dad finally having his chance to watch atleast some of his kids grow , be born and hear they first cries and we want to watch our sisters growing.

Brother Carl deserves to be a protective big brother , only when you come home will everything be all oksy mom " he got up and looked outside.

" dad is here to fetch you please go with him " he kissed her cheek and walked out.

There was a knock on the door , Timothy opened, " can I see her ? " He kept quiet.

" it's her birthday,  I won't be long I just want to wish her " , " she's resting be quick and please don't shake her up " , " thanks " he walked in and went to her room.

Elina was laying on her side , he knocked and walked in.

He went on his knees watching her,  he pushed her hair back " beautiful as always , I am sorry,  I don't have anything else to say but apologies.

I hurt you and our children and deserve no trust from you all " he placed a hand on her stomach.

" I wanted this so bad and you gave it to me but once again I screwed it up , I am sorry.

Sébastien helped me alot I feel so much better , beat my anxiety because I wanted to finish up the kids rooms , Luther gave me an earful for the nursery he's so bossy and a perfectionist.

He kept telling me ' I know my sisters they deserve the best '. " he chuckled.

" it's your birthday today , I initially wanted to take you home and have the kids around so we can celebrate.

It hit me I've never celebrated your birthday with you before , so I bought this cupcake and candle " he placed it on the side table.

He kissed her forehead " happy birthday sweetheart " he was about to walk off but Elina blew the candle and held his hand.

" so won't you take me home? " , " only if you let me " , she got out of bed taking a bite off the cupcake.

" you bought just one ? " , " no I bought 3 banchs and a big cake " , " really? " He nodded , " then I'll take a walk with you then , I need a walk anyway " Ceasar smiled.

" ofcourse my lady " he opened the door and she walked out , Timothy didn't say anything " stop me? " , " never " Timothy said and she walked out.

They walked to they home , Ceasar nervous behind her , the kids were already waiting for them outside " mom " Luca ran to her and hugged her , " hey baby , you okay ? " He nodded.

She put out her hand and he took it " we'll be just fine right " , " as long as I have mommy everything will be alright " she squeezed his hand assuring him.

" so uhmm shit I am kinda nervous " , " bad word daddy " , " sorry sweetheart I am just abit overwhelmed let's just go in right " , " you suck " Carl voiced getting in first.

" I know " he walked in and so did the rest with Steffan , " so today is  your mom's birthday and as a birthday present from me to her , is my mental health, the father of her children and her husband back.

And I also to you guys since your birthday is tomorrow , I thought why not bring my family together as I've just filled our home.

I've decorated your ro..." all the children ran to they rooms and Elina chuckled.

" right,  Carl I did your room too " , " I can move back? " , " unless I stopped being your father " , " you really did my room ? " , " yes I filled it up,  well the boys picked out most of the appliances,  they said you liked them so I brought them " he ran to his room excited.

" no freaken way " he screamed catching the others attention " wow how come he gets such cool stuff? " , " well because he's the oldest plus you guys have the game room ".

" we have a game room ? " Elina asked concerned " yes " they all walked to the game room.

" before we all go in , we have rules " , " rules? " , " yes no entry if homework is not done , no entry if you're grounded , no entry after 8.

On weekends you can come in after doing your chores , whatever you use , you put back and cleaning on Sundays " Elina agreed and Steffan also nodded.

" we all agree? " they all agreed and ran inside checking everything out.

" and you my lady come this way " he leaded her to the nursery,  " wow " Steffan was the first to praise , " it looks so beautiful,  the clothes look adorable " Carl was the next.

Elina went around checking everything and smiling " I've extended one in our room as well for when they arrive " , " you have one in our room ? ".

" yes not as big but it can manage till we get used to them , when they're grown they can be moved to down here when they have a nanny " , " you want a nanny ? " , " I want my wife to have a life beyond being a mom,  you're also the Luna remember " he pulled her close.

" I am only here cause you said you have cake " , " and a cabinet filled with any snack you'd want " , " I am sold " she chuckled wrapping her arms around his waist laying on his chest.

" I missed you " , " I missed you more " , Carl walked out to the kitchen lighting up the candles on the cake and started singing.

The others joined in singing " Happy Birthday dear mommy , Happy Birthday to you ! " He stood outside holding it.

Elina walked out and blew the candles , she cut the cake feeding it to Crystal first " no fair she's the youngest " , " and that's why she gets a taste first " Elina voiced they walked back to the kitchen.

They ate Peter , Timothy, Denise , the Luna , Cyrus walked in they had lunch , and talked about everything.

Things were finally back to placed and everyone was just happy.

----------------------- The End ----------------------

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