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Steffan thought it was going to be easy to prepare for the kids in the morning but he was wrong.

But eventually the kids ate , got ready and he dropped them at school.

Just as they suggested the kids were placed in they classes and Crystal was the only one in her own class , but she wasn't lonely as she had made friends already yesterday at the park.

Ceasar and Elina were both exhausted still fast asleep , the Luna walked in leaving food for them.

She could smell the pheromones lingering so she didn't bother checking on them she then left.

Elina woke up first Ceasar holding onto her tightly " babe I need to pee let go " instead of letting go Ceasar got up with her his eyes still closed he walked them to the bathroom and put her down he leaned on the counter waiting for her to finish up.

Elina chuckled as she watched him,  she peed and washed her hands then took his hand leading him out as he was still asleep , they got into bed he got under the shirt laying between her boobs and they feel asleep again.

Elina had now fully healed. Ceasar was now up it was 11 , he starred at Elina then hugged her , he pushed hair away from her face and pecked her lips.

She opened her eyes and pulled him closer " morning " she voiced , "morning " she leg go of him and cupped his face " what's wrong? " he just looked at her his face scanning hers.

" Elina come back " , she looked at him confused , his body stiffened , she got ontop of him realizing he wasn't awake he was dreaming , she pulled him up.

" Ceasar wake up , I am here , I am home wake up " she said pushing his hair back , " get off you're not my Elina " he pushed her buy she held onto him and hugged him.

She closed her eyes and woke his wolf up so he could wake up , his body relaxed, he hugged her back " what's wrong? " he asked , " you had a nightmare,  you didn't recognize me "  he tightened the hug taking her scent in.

" I am sorry if I scared you , alot has happened and because I stopped drinking, the nightmares will come back , I'll probably hurt you as well " , she let go of him looking at his face.

" what's wrong ? Tell me? " , " it's called depression I guess , after you left I started having anxiety , I couldn't face people , I would step out but I'd have these thoughts and run right back in.

I'd sleep walk at night even during the day and I'd get aggressive, when someone stops me.

I started drinking because I would see you everywhere, and I would pass out when I did I didn't get aggressive or hurt people " , Elina squeezed his hand.

" don't worry , I'll find a way to treat it " he assured,  Elina knew he was hurting but this , this was painful even for her.

She slowly got off him , but he sat her back , " I'll be okay don't worry " , " mhhhh " was all she said.

They got out the bed and walked downstairs, Ceasar sat down as Elina warmed up breakfast.

They ate , Ceasar started shaking and Elina noticed , and walked to him " what's wrong? " , " it's nothing just the alcohol leaving my body " , " Ceasar " , " I am fine , I just need to rest " he hurried up to his room his back was sweating.

Elina put the food away noticing he hardly ate.

When she got into the room Ceasar had collapsed on the floor , she pulled out his phone and called Peter he came over immediately.

Peter came with a doctor and they check him out , Elina was pacing up and down the room.

" it seems the young Alpha , is having a backlash , he wasn't just drinking alcohol he was also doing some drugs , he will hallucinate and will get aggressive.

I suggest we take him to the ho..." , " no I will take care of him , you will share this with no one " , " yes Luna , but I suggest you find the drug first so he doesn't try again " , the doctor gave her some medication to help drain everything out.

And some IV drips to clean his system , the doctor left as soon as he did , Elina started looking for the drugs , searching everywhere in the house including the empty rooms and bathrooms and found them.

Peter was surprised of the batch of drugs she had " you let him go this far ? " , " I didn't know Eli , he , Ceasar was always locked in here no one would've known " , the Alpha walked in.

" drugs ? And I wasn't informed " , " I'll take care of him " , " Elina you have kids , take him to hos..." , " I said I'll take care of him , I made him like this so I will take care of him " the air changed it was hot , Elina sat down calming herself.

" I'll talk to the kids they will understand, one of them has already seen this anyway.

Just leave Ceasar to me " , " but Eli he will hurt you " , " I've done worse to him , you all leave us I don't want him to feel embarrassed when he gets up , drop the kids here for lunch I'll cook  " they both sighed and walked out taking the drugs away.

Eli started on lunch , when she was done she took a bath , she undressed Ceasar and wiped his body then changed the drip.

The kids arrived, Ceasar was up , he took a shower Elina placed fresh clothes out for him.

The kids were happy to see they mom , but worried about Ceasar.

He walked down and froze Crystal ran to him before he could turn and run back up.

She wrapped her little hand around him and he sat down on the stairs , the boys pretended not to see anything, Crystal just hugged him.

He leveled his breathing and got up walking to the rest Crystal not letting go of his hand.

He greeted and sat down , Lucky sat next to him , they all sat down , Elina dished up for everyone and they ate whilst the kids told them about they day , Ceasar reached out for some juice but his hands were shaking Lucky noticed.

He took the jar from him and poured it for him , himself not to alert the others he pulled out a straw and gave it to him making it easy to drink.

He noticed Ceasar was struggling to swallow he took out yogurt and cut fruits into small pieces and gave him taking away his original plate.

Ceasar just nodded thanking him , they carried on speaking , Ceasar excused himself.

And went to one of the closest bathrooms and he threw up , Luther heard him and helped him up giving him some water , he wiped away the sweat on his forehead and changed his shirt.

He held onto his stomach,  Lucky walked in with lemon water and gave him to drink " you should go " , " why ? " , " I don't want you all to see me like this " , " we're not going anywhere " they got him up walking further into the house " I want this room , will you help decorate it? " Luther voiced.

" this is so far from the others , are you sure? " , " mhhh I like my space " , " Luther you need to be around others " , " how do you know I am Luther ? ".

" I gave you the name why wouldn't I know ? " , " we look alike " , " I am your father I can differentiate between you and Lucky , plus you're so obviously always annoyed and protective , why wouldn't I recognize you? ".

Luther sighed " fine but I want this room , as plain as possible " , " fine " , " and you ? " , " his room is the one next to Carl , he ne..." , " which room do you want Lucky? " Ceasar asked again ignoring Luther.

" any room is fine for me " , " pick one " he looked around and pointed the one next to Luther " you sure ? "  , " yes " he nodded.

" there are room hangers and markers on the shelves take them and mark the rooms to remind me " Luther took the markers and Lucky held Ceasar up.

" just because you're the first doesn't mean you can't choose , you don't always have to do things to please them,  that's my job to please you all , you're important too and I would like for you to be honest with me okay " he nodded.

Luther walked back bring followed by the rest " okay don't talk all at once pick a hanger and write your names and the rooms you want no need to fight there's alot of space " he voiced trying to stand up but Carl gave him a chair and pushed him down before he can say no.

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