An Unworthy Life

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A ringing noise filled the air as the calm wind took over the air.

"A boy, you're having a boy!" A voice called out.

"Did you hear that?" A boy," Another voice called out.

There was screaming in the air, alongside tears, but then there was also warmth.

The noise and world faded out of view as the view of a pale blue light quickly came and went, sounds of words forming but remaining unclear.

Another sound came through the dark veil, carrying an echo of laughter.

"I'll be a hero someday," a young voice cried out, and a fatherly voice responded with warm laughter.

"I know you will son."

The sound echoed out of the darkness and fell back into it. "He's stable," a light feathery voice said. Its origin unknown.

A feeling of hatred filled the air as an unknown voice said, "I'm sorry, but there was nothing we could do."

"It's all your fault," a young voice cried out, screaming. "Bring them back, bring my parents back!" The voice cried out in anguish.

The world faded away again. Moments in darkness were met with a relaxing aura before that same feathery voice returned, "is he even worth it?"

A loud voice comes out of the shadowy veil as it speaks.

"You have two options, we could send you to prison, or you can join the military," a cold, booming voice spoke out. It was authoritative in tone and firm in speaking but contained no malice. "Considering you're barefaced, I would choose the military."

As soon as it came, it left, leaving a few moments of peace before the light voice spoke out again: "Matriarch T'Sala says it's time."

"Very well," another voice said out loud.

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