Defending Kilimanjaro

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"Man down!" A marine shouted next to the Commander. Valius spun around, his eyes searching through the billowing dust and smoke. He spotted a marine lying motionless on the ground, his armour scorched and shattered. The Turian Commander rushed to the fallen soldier's side, his omni-tool already scanning for vital signs.

"Medic!" Valius shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos. "We need a medic over here!"

Another explosion rocked the colony, and it was closer this time. The ground heaved beneath Valius's feet, nearly throwing him off balance. He gritted his teeth, mandibles flaring in determination as he dragged the wounded marine to cover behind a nearby barricade.

Anders appeared at his side, her face smeared with grime and sweat. "Commander, the mercenaries are closing in from the north and east. They've got heavy artillery and a lot of firepower."

Valius nodded grimly, his mind racing as he assessed their options. The colony's defences were already weakened, and with the mercenaries closing in, they were rapidly running out of time. He knew they needed to act fast and decisively if they were to have any chance of repelling the attack and protecting the civilians.

"Alright, listen up," Valius barked, his voice cutting through the chaos. "We just need to hold out until the Mako team returns, they can take out the artillery." Another explosion rocked the floor around them, causing them to shake until they could rebalance themselves. "Focus on the infantry!"

Valius's mandibles tightened as he focused on the immediate threat. The mercenary infantry was closing in, their weapons blazing as they advanced through the colony's streets. The Turian Commander knew they had to hold the line, no matter the cost.

"Anders, have your marines concentrate fire on the approaching infantry," Valius ordered, his voice steady despite the chaos around them. "We need to thin their ranks and buy time for the Mako team to take out those artillery positions."

The human sergeant nodded, her eyes fierce with determination. "Yes, sir!" She turned to her marines, barking out commands as they took up defensive positions behind the barricades.

The air crackled with the sound of gunfire as the marines opened fire on the advancing mercenaries. Mass accelerator rounds tore through the air, finding their marks in the enemy's armour. Valius raised his own rifle and joined the fray, his keen Turian eyes picking off mercenary targets with deadly precision.

The mercenaries returned fire, their rounds impacting against the barricades and sending shards of metal and concrete flying. Valius ducked instinctively as a round whizzed past his head, his shields flaring as they absorbed the impact of another glancing hit.

"Keep up the pressure!" the Commander shouted over the din of battle. "Don't let them gain any ground!"

The marines redoubled their efforts, pouring a relentless stream of fire into the advancing mercenary ranks. Bodies began to pile up in the streets as the enemy forces were cut down, but still, they kept coming, driven by a relentless determination.

Abruptly, a new sound joined the cacophony of battle - the deep, damning thud of a mech. The ground trembled as the heavy footsteps of the mech reverberated through the colony streets. Valius's eyes widened as he caught sight of the towering mechanical monstrosity, its armour gleaming in the harsh light of the battle. The mech's weapons systems whirred to life, the barrels of its heavy cannons glowing with an ominous red light.

"Take cover!" Valius roared, his voice barely audible over the thunderous sound of the mech's approach. The marines scrambled to find shelter as the mech opened fire, its cannons spewing forth a hail of high-explosive rounds that tore through the barricades like paper.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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