Dossier: Shiala

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The low, steady thrum of the ship's engines reverberated through the metal walls, creating a calming rhythm that soothed the Turian's nerves. The soft hum mixed with the occasional beep and chirp of the console created an ambience that could only be found in the depths of space. The gentle vibrations under his feet reminded him that he was hurtling through the universe at unimaginable speeds, but it brought him a sense of peace rather than fear for some reason.

He sat in his captain's quarters reading over the dossier for his first crew pick-up. Shiala T'Kallis, from the planet Feros. As Valius delved into the dossier, the image of an asari with striking green skin and piercing eyes stared back at him from the holo-display. Shiala T'Kallis, a former commando with a reputation for her biotic prowess and unwavering loyalty to her previous Matriarch, had been handpicked for his crew.

The dossier detailed Shiala's background, training with the prestigious Serrice Guard, and involvement in several high-stakes operations. What caught Valius's attention, however, was a particular incident on Feros, where Shiala had been exposed to an ancient plant-like creature known as the Thorian.

The encounter had left Shiala with a unique connection to the Thorian's mind-controlling spores, granting her enhanced biotic abilities and a deeper understanding of the creature's influence. The dossier noted that while the effects had been primarily mitigated, Shiala's experiences had left an indelible mark on her psyche.

As Valius pondered the implications of having someone with such a history on his team, the ship's pilot chimed in, "Almost there, Commander." The Turian set aside the dossier and made his way to the bridge, his mind still grappling with the responsibility that the council had thrust upon him.

The lush, verdant landscape of Feros stretched out before them as the ship descended through the atmosphere. Ancient Prothean ruins jutted out from the dense foliage, their weathered surfaces a testament to the passage of time.

As the ship touched down on the designated landing pad, Valius gathered his gear and made his way to the airlock. The hiss of the door and the rush of fresh air greeted him as he stepped out onto the surface of Feros. The humidity hit him immediately, the air thick and heavy with the scent of organic decay and growth.

Valius scanned his surroundings, taking in the towering spires of the Prothean ruins and the dense, almost oppressive vegetation that seemed to engulf everything in sight. The steady drone of insects and the distant cries of alien creatures echoed through the air.

As he made his way towards the colony, Valius couldn't shake the unease that crept up his spine. The dossier had mentioned the Thorian's influence on the planet, and he couldn't help but wonder if its effects still lingered, even after its destruction.

The colony was a stark contrast to the lush surroundings, a collection of prefabricated structures and makeshift dwellings that seemed to cling precariously to the edges of the Prothean ruins. The colonists, a mix of humans and asari, went about their daily tasks with a certain level of caution, their eyes constantly scanning the perimeter as if expecting danger to emerge from the dense foliage at any moment.

Valius made his way to the colony's central hub, a large, open area that served as a meeting place and market. The air was filled with the sound of bartering and conversation, punctuated by the occasional laugh or shout. As he navigated through the crowd, Valius couldn't help but notice the wary glances and hushed whispers that followed in his wake.

He approached a group of Asari, their blue skin and graceful features standing out among the sea of human faces. "I'm looking for Shiala T'Kallis," Valius said, his voice steady and commanding.

The Asari exchanged glances, their eyes narrowing slightly as they appraised the turian before them. After a moment, one of them stepped forward, her posture cautious yet confident. "I am Shiala," she said, her voice smooth and melodic. "What business do you have with me?"

Valius met her gaze, his mandibles twitching slightly as he spoke. "My name is Commander Tarrian, and I'm here to recruit you." The Turian searched his pack for a datapad and handed it to the green-skinned asari. Shiala took the datapad, scanning its contents with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. As she read through the council's request, her expression shifted from one of mild interest to a furrowed brow of concern.

"The council wants me to join your crew?" she asked, looking up at Valius with a questioning gaze. "For what purpose?"

Valius shifted his weight, his eyes darting around the bustling market before settling back on Shiala. "The details are classified until you are brought on, but your unique skills and experience make you a valuable asset."

Shiala's lips pressed into a thin line as she considered the turian's words. Shiala returned the datapad to Valius, her eyes searching his face for any hint of deception or hidden motives. "I have built a life here on Feros, helping the colony recover from the Thorian's influence." She paused for a moment, staring at the turian as though she was judging something. "Before I leave, there is something I must do."

The Turian nodded, his curiosity piqued.

Shiala gestured for Valius to follow her as she turned and made her way through the winding paths of the colony. The Asari moved with a purposeful stride, her gaze fixed ahead as they navigated the labyrinthine corridors. The sounds of the market faded into the background, replaced by the soft rustling of foliage and the distant hum of machinery.

As they walked, Valius couldn't help but notice the way the colonists regarded Shiala with a mix of reverence and trepidation. Some bowed their heads in respect as she passed, while others seemed to shrink back as if afraid to catch her attention. The Turian's mind raced with questions about the colony's past and connection to the Thorian.

After a few minutes, Shiala led Valius to a secluded area, away from the bustling heart of the colony. The ancient Prothean ruins loomed overhead, casting long shadows across the ground. The air grew still, and the only sound was the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze.

The Asari turned to face Valius, her green skin seeming to glow in the dappled light filtering through the canopy. "Before I can leave Feros, I must ensure the safety and well-being of my people," she said, her voice low and earnest. "The Thorian's influence may be gone, but its effects still linger in the minds of some colonists."

"How can I help? The turian asked, unsure of what was required of him.

Shiala's eyes met Valius's, a flicker of gratitude passing over her features. "There is a ritual that I must perform, a final cleansing of the Thorian's influence. It will ensure that the colonists are truly free from its grasp." She paused, looking at the Phaeston rifle resting on the back of the Turian and spoke again, "I need you to stand guard while I perform the ritual," Shiala continued, her gaze unwavering. "The process can be... intense, and the Thorians influence can not be understated."

Valius nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "You can count on me, Shiala. I'll make sure no one disturbs you."

The Asari's shoulders relaxed slightly, a flicker of relief passing over her features. "Thank you, Commander. This means more to me than you know."

With that, Shiala turned around, and started walking deeper into the Prothean ruins. Valius followed in behind Shiala as the pair continued deeper into the Prothean ruins, his senses heightened and his Phaeston rifle at the ready.

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