A Rough Landing

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"Launching soon, Commander," the helmsman spoke into the communicators that Shiala and Valius were wearing. They were inside an M35 Mako and some auxiliary crew who would help maintain the vehicle. The Turian thought it was odd to feature an Alliance vehicle in the Turian ship, but it was what the frigate had come equipped with. The Mako lurched forward as it was launched from the ship, hurtling towards the surface of Nodacrux. Valius gripped the controls tightly, his eyes focused on the rapidly approaching ground. Beside him, Shiala braced herself, her biotics flaring slightly as she prepared for the impact.

With a bone-jarring thud, the Mako hit the ground, its suspension absorbing the worst of the shock. Valius immediately gunned the engine, sending the vehicle speeding across the rugged terrain. The auxiliary crew in the back held on tightly, their faces grim as they focused on their tasks.

As they neared the coordinates of the human colony, Valius's keen eyes spotted signs of battle. Smoke rose from damaged structures, and the distant sound of gunfire echoed across the landscape. He brought the Mako to a halt behind a rocky outcropping, providing some cover as they assessed the situation.

"Looks like the colony is under attack," Valius growled, his mandibles flaring angrily. "We need to find Anders and assist in the defence."

Shiala nodded, her biotics flaring brighter as she prepared for battle. "I'm ready, Commander. Let's go." The Turian looked her over and gave her a curt nod, his eyes lingering on the Asari for a moment before he turned his attention back to the task at hand.

"Stay here and provide overwatch. Fire only on my command," Valius ordered the crew in the Mako. The Mako's hatch hissed open, and Valius and Shiala leapt out.

The sound of gunfire intensified, echoing off the rocky terrain. The Turian Commander signalled for Shiala to take cover behind a nearby boulder while he remained standing, his keen eyes scanning the battlefield for any sign of Alliance soldiers. Smoke billowed from the damaged colony structures, obscuring their view and making it difficult to discern friend from foe. Valius's mandibles twitched in frustration as he tried to assess the situation.

Suddenly, a stray burst of gunfire erupted from a nearby building, the rounds impacting the ground near Valius's feet. The Turian commander dove for cover, his shields flaring as they absorbed a few stray shots. Shiala crouched beside him, her biotics flaring as she prepared to defend herself.

"Commander, I've got eyes on a group of hostiles," the voice of one of the Mako's crew crackled over the comm. "Looks like they're setting up a perimeter around the colony's main structure."

Valius's mandibles flared in a grim smile. "Good work. Hold your fire for now, but be ready to provide support on my signal."

Valius and Shiala crept forward, using the scattered debris and damaged structures as cover. The Turian commander's keen senses were on high alert, his eyes darting from one potential threat to another as they made their way deeper into the colony. The acrid smell of smoke and the metallic tang of blood hung heavy in the air, a grim reminder.

As they neared the main structure, the sound of voices caught Valius's attention. He held up a hand, signalling for Shiala to halt as he strained to listen. The voices were muffled, but he could make out the distinct tones of human speech mixed with the guttural growls of an unknown enemy.

"Sounds like they've got hostages," Valius whispered, his mandibles twitching in anger. "We need to find a way inside without alerting the—" Before the Commander could finish his sentence, a sudden explosion rocked the ground, sending a plume of dust and debris into the air. Valius instinctively shielded Shiala with his body as chunks of rubble rained down around them. As the dust settled, the Turian Commander cautiously lifted his head, his eyes widening at the sight before him.

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