Chapter Five: Ray Sutton

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After Klaus revealed to me that he planned on making more hybrids, we fell back into a silence as I took in the information. Why could he possibly wish to make more like him? So he wouldn't be alone? If so, I could completely understand that. Back when I learned of the unus ignis, I almost didn't want to leave them. I'd never heard of them before and I wanted to learn what their kind was like and what they were capable of but when I learned that that part of me was dormant, I felt like an outcast. If I could meet someone like me just once, I would be the happiest girl in the world but it was nearly impossible. They were a dying species the last time I'd been in contact with my grandmother three years ago.

I was almost jealous of Klaus because of his ability to possibly to create more people like him.

"Niklaus?" I began as we pulled into a forested area.

"Yes, love" He murmured as we came near a bar & grill that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Do you know if this will work?" He'd turned to me as I'd asked that and sighed.

"It has to" was all he said before he got out of the car and I scrambled to catch up with him.

We walked into the little bar and grill and all eyes were on us seeing as we stood out like a pair of sore thumbs. Lucky for me, most of the inhabitants were males who were looking at me like I was a piece of meat—note the sarcasm. Klaus grabbed my wrist and began looking around before he spotted someone and dragged me over towards a certain section of the males.

We came up to a man who looked around 30 with a brown beard and a scowl on his face as he met eyes with Klaus. As much as he tried to seem tough, the fear in his eyes ruined his façade as he lost the stare off and stood as we approached.

"Ray Sutton, you are one tough wolf to find" The British hybrid announced giving the werewolf a snarky smirk.

He looked at me briefly before looking back to Klaus, "What are you doing here?"

"Where is your pack?" Klaus said bluntly not caring to beat around the bush.

The shorter man before went pale, "Wh-what?"

"You're going to bring me to your pack, I know you're the only werewolf here" Niklaus said once again.

The man broke out of his fearful trance and glared again, "I will never put them in danger with the likes of you"

I raised both eyebrows, I had to admit, the guy had guts. Though, his bravery didn't hide his lack of common sense.

Niklaus audibly growled sending a chill down my spine before he looked at me.

"Get something to eat" He said digging in his pocket to pull out his wallet.

Before I could speak, he lifted my chin just as he had in the car making me focus in on his eyes as he compelled me.

"If anyone tries to talk to you in a harmful way or take you somewhere, attack and feed on them until they're completely drained, understood?" His pupils dilated.

"Understood" I murmured in a monotone then I shook out of it and he slightly shoved me towards the bar with a crisp twenty dollar bill before turning his glare to the werewolf in question.

God please don't let any of these jackasses come near me, I thought to myself warily as I sat down at the bar.

The bartender approached right when my stomach let out a nasty growl that he chuckled at.

"How can I help you, doll face?" He asked through an oddly New York type of accent, giving me a cheesy smirk that I cringed at.

The man openly gave me a once—twice-over and I became very aware of the low-cut on the v-neck I had on. I immediately wished I had brought a jacket as I coughed to get the pig to stop trying to look down my shirt. He looked up at me and grinned showing a few silver teeth.

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