Chapter Twenty: Mother Dearest

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The day Evangeline Salvatore witnessed Niklaus Mikaelson bested by his siblings was both intriguing and terrifying. He was, after all, her mate and the mate bond had never been so strong until that moment. The powerful Hybrid was not being hit physically, no; every jab at him was verbal and ten times as painful. Klaus was being pummeled and barely even had a scratch.

"We're leaving you, Nik, right after I kill that doppelganger witch" Rebekah said cold heartedly and Evangeline felt a squeeze on her heart as the despair rang through her mate, "And you will be alone, always and forever"

Klaus went back to what he knew had always gotten his way, dastardly threats, shouting, and anger but it failed. His siblings threw it back at him, saying he would become their father. The lowest blow of all in Evangeline's opinion because she, like many others, knew of their father's hatred for Niklaus.

They began speaking once more about a coffin, the one thing Elijah had not filled Evangeline in on (aside from his siding with her brothers in order to corner Klaus). The female hybrid knew that the thought of his siblings having the coffin scared her mate, the deep fear made her shiver.

What the hell could it possibly be? Evangeline thought to herself, and then it all clicked together.

Before Mikael was in the picture, there was only one thing that could make even Klaus go running to the hills and that was his supposed father. If they had been running from him for so long but he was now killed, it would only make sense for the only other person for him to be afraid of...was his mother.

As soon as Evangeline had figured it out, the door opened, stealing the attention of every supernatural being in the room and in came, none other than their mother, the Original witch.

She was beautiful, but her power radiated off of her in waves from the way her children were one line away from cowering in fear from her presence. Obviously, they had no idea she had been awakened or resurrected or...whatever the hell happened. Evangeline wondered if her brother's knew that mama Original was in the coffin.

Klaus's siblings parted like the Red Sea, allowing for the Original Witch to advance towards Klaus. Evangeline felt a crippling fear wash over her, it felt like her life was about to flash before her eyes. She was afraid that she might have been about to witness the end of her mate.

Klaus was at a loss for words as the woman who gave birth to him stood before him, "Look at me!"

Upon her demand, the blonde man immediately looked up and met her eyes, "Do you know...why I'm here?"

"You're here to kill me" The blonde hybrid whispered, with acceptance of his eventual doom written all over his face.

But then, the opposite happened, "Niklaus, you are my son and I am here to forgive you"

Klaus and Evangeline's jaws dropped in almost identical fashions as The Original witch turned away from her son and towards her other children, "I want us to be a family again..."

The Original witch paused and turned spotting Evangeline immediately. She saw that the second hybrid in the room was completely out of place, and smiled.

"All of us"

There was a pause and two waves of shock ran over Evangeline: her own and Klaus's. The female hybrid was—for a lack of better words—scared shitless at what the Original witch was implying. She couldn't possibly be referring to Evangeline as family could she?

Once again, the attention in the room was on the odd woman out, the Salvatore children were gazing between the young hybrid and the powerful woman in shock, curiosity, and confusion.

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