Chapter Twenty-Seven: Cruel Intentions

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"Believe it or not, but this is actually a very good thing" Anastasia said, beaming at the two mates who finally shifted back into their human forms after nearly six hours of chaos.

Evangeline looked at her best friend in disbelief, "How? How in the world is coughing up blood that tastes like fire for an hour straight anywhere near good?"

"Besides all that" Anastasia said, waving her hand dismissively as the couple sat on the couch in her apartment, looking at her like she had gone insane.

Evangeline and Niklaus had almost lost control after their transformation but they never left the side of one another. Luckily, they had ended up deep in the woods with little population so not too much damage was done and civilians did not witness the woman who was half dragon, flying through the woods. It was the first time that Evan had ever shifted, she didn't even know that she could shift and it was the first time Klaus had ever shifted without being able to control it. It brought back many scarring memories for the Original Hybrid. He went through the trouble of becoming a hybrid partially to never shift without being able to help it. The two did not understand what the whole ordeal meant, but of course, Anastasia did.

"I understand that the shift for the first time in such a way was uncomfortable and painful for the both of you but it is a great sign because it means you are true mates! Evangeline, your shift caused Niklaus's. Your dragon called out to his wolf and that is why it happened. I believe that with the ritual coming up soon, your inner being needed to make an appearance"

The Salvatore and the Mikaelson exchanged a look, each with a million emotions running through them at once, before they looked back to the content witch.

"I know there must be a catch" answered a concerned Niklaus, "What does this mean for my Angel?"

That was when Anastasia's reassuring smile finally faltered, "It means that we need to get the ritual done as soon as possible for her health and she needs to begin learning to control her power for her own good and the good of others"

Evangeline shook her head while holding on to her mate's hand and squeezing it, "It means I'm getting closer to my death"

"No" Anastasia said, "Your rebirth"


"So what should I do?" Elena asked from her spot on Caroline's bed, completely conflicted after letting her best friend know what happened with Evangeline the day before. They had just come back from the meeting in the woods with Stefan and Damon, who had finally come up with a plan that could almost guarantee an end to Klaus.

The idea of killing the Original vampire made him think of her meeting with their sister the day before. She didn't tell the brothers of the little piece of information that Evangeline gave her or what she was asking her to do because she didn't know whether or not to actually believe what she had told her. Therefore, she asked Caroline about it because Bonnie, the most levelheaded one in the group, had enough on her plate and Caroline could be quite compassionate and understanding when she wanted to be.

"You shouldn't help them" Caroline said stubbornly.

There was nothing that she liked about Damon and Stefan's bastard sister. She wasn't even that pretty in her opinion and in order to be a sibling of god-like men such as Damon and Stefan, the girl needed to be a goddess herself at least. Yet, to Caroline she was just a peasant.

"But she said—"Elena began.

"She lied" Caroline interrupted shaking her head, "Come on Elena, she just wanted you on her side, of course she would lie and say something like Damon and Stefan would die with Klaus"

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