Chapter Twenty Two: Dangerous Liaisons

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Warning, there will be feels. 

P.S. Author's note in regards of a sequel and Klaroline at the end

~~~~~ Read On~~~~~~

Niklaus Mikaelson (First Person)

Seeing Evangeline leave the ballroom in a hurry, following after her was an impulse. Not only was I concerned for her wellbeing but there was a pang of devastation that tore viciously through my heart that I knew came from my curly haired mate through our bond. The amount of pain I felt through her caused me to look around for her brother who was responsible, growling under my breath when I saw the bastard was no longer in sight.

My sister paused from what she was saying and cocked an eyebrow at me, "You really fancy her, don't you?"

Based on the sincerity that I heard in my sister's accented voice, I knew that my little sister had grown fond of my mate. It was a bit of a surprise since my sister had a knack for hating other females, especially ones as stunning as Evangeline Salvatore but she, like many others, were won over by my mate. That, I was not surprised about at all.

Evangeline had an air to her that allured others in her direction. It had been part of the reason I had even bothered to speak to her. Not only was she beautiful but her aura embraced others, she saw the goodness in everyone, myself included (which, could have been her ultimate mistake). She saw through you with those bright green eyes, she could tear down walls with the perfect gaze. When we first met—before I had ever wronged her—she looked at me like she believed in me. Like she could see something inside of me that everyone covered up with every savage action I performed or ruthless punishment I laid. And then I whisked her away from her only living family.

Instead of answering my only living sister, I gave her a curt look, "I need to find her"

The statement had barely left my lips before I left the ballroom in search of my Angel. As much as I wanted to find that brother of hers first and snap his neck a couple thousand times before ripping his heart out and shoving it down his own throat, I decided that confiding in Evangeline was more important.

When I informed her in my note that I was willing to try, I was being honest. Elijah's words earlier in the day opened my eyes in realizing that Evangeline would in no way make me weaker but possibly allow me to find strength within myself that I had never known existed. She and I together...could be an unstoppable force, something stronger than any being supernatural or not could ever fathom.

No, I did not love her unconditionally—yet—but the hybrid woman had always intrigued me. The way that she in one moment could be so angry, a red hot flame of despair and another she could be compassionate, caring for me in ways that some would believe that I did not deserve. She was a flame of rejuvenation that could possibly change the course of my life entirely.

I had been alone for so long that upon learning that she—the extravagant creature she was—was meant to accompany for the rest of my days as my soul mate had baffled me. How could I possibly deserve a companion to love me for eternity after all of the pain I had caused? I was hated by so many that it seemed nearly impossible for someone to see me in a light of love, beyond the petty infatuation that so many woman felt towards me. None of them would dare be tethered to the supernatural equivalent of a ruthless Devil.

Shaking away from my spiteful thoughts, I spotted her near the stables. I had lifted the charms on the exits so I was not surprised that she had decided to take the opportunity to get some fresh air. She was not alone—the blonde vampire, Caroline Forbes was with her. The girl was wearing a facial expression that I was no stranger to. Anytime she saw me, she looked at me with the exact amount of judgment and distasteful pity that she laid onto my mate who I could already feel was mentally and physically exhausted and the arrogant, pushy blonde was not helping at all.

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