Chapter Twenty One: Give Me Love

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This chapter follows the plot of Danger Liaisons (Loosely), which is an extremely Klaroline-centric chapter, and I can't have that. Therefore, things will be changed, just as a warning. 

The dress in the link is very similar to Evangeline's gown but imagine it without the bow and the diamonds in a ribbon wrapping around her body, as described further in the chapter.


Evangeline Salvatore

When it was time for the ball, the once nearly silent mansion became filled with thousands of voices. I recognized a few but many sounded like nothing but a mass of strangers, mingling in what I was being forced to call home.

After my talk with Esther, I had no desire to join the party—though my excitement had been quite minute from the start. I knew my brothers would attend because Esther made sure Elena would. The doppelganger was convinced she was going to be able to solve everything once she spoke with the Original Witch, so even if my brothers forbid her from attending, she'd burst through the doors with a brand new dress anyway. She and I were alike in that way, sadly.

Elijah had insisted that I attend and even offered to stay by my side the entire time so when Esther spilled the beans about Klaus and I, he could protect me from my brothers if I needed it. I knew I wouldn't actually need physical protection and he did as well. Elijah was my best friend, the person I could always confide in and partially responsible for my sanity. He was somewhat of an emotional anchor of mine; therefore, he would be there for me if my brothers decided to tear me down through words and judgment instead of physical attacks.

Right after Elijah had given me his gracious offer, I had to stop myself from crying. I couldn't help but to feel like I had been given the wrong Mikaelson as a prophesized mate. Sure Klaus and I had a connection through being hybrid bastard children who were misunderstood but putting two extremely damaged people together like the two of us seemed like a huge mistake. We both had terrible tempers and stubborn attitudes that made us clash constantly whereas Elijah and I clicked together almost perfectly the day we met. He balanced me out with his noble ways whenever I almost went off the deep end and I got him to remember that it is okay to live even if you have been undead for a thousand years. So, why wasn't he my mate? Sure he wasn't a shapeshifter but did that really mean anything?

Once I was in the confinement of Klaus's bedroom, I decided that Elijah and I were too perfect together. And that I could possibly corrupt him with my demons, but I couldn't corrupt Klaus. Klaus was the definition of corrupt.

Maybe he and I were meant to fix each other somehow. Who really knew anyway?

I was so consumed in my thoughts that I almost missed the large gift box on the best. It was a shimmery deep red color with black ribbon and a pure white card was sitting on top of the bow with my name sprawled in the middle. Of course, I picked it up and knew it was from none other than Klaus, his handwriting was impeccable and easily recognizable.

Taking a deep breath, I read:

Dear Angel, you have taught me that there are many things I have yet to learn. Please accept this dress in condolences of the harsh words I spoke to you and save me a dance, love. We have much to discuss.


The spiteful side of me felt like his words fell flat, he barely apologized and he expected me to fall into his arms because he bought me a dress?

Yet, the side of me that was actually his mate took the fact that he admitted he was still learning to heart and pieced together that it meant he did not really know how to be a proper mate. He needed someone to guide him and be there for him as he not only succeeded but also dealt with failed attempts along the way.

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