A pretty color together - Jeongcheol

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Jeonghan's POV:

In a world where every person is represented by a color, Jeonghan was a blue. A sad soulful shade of blue. Even if his outward appearance made him look like pearly white, with skin so smooth and soft brown long hair, he was always known to be the Angel by everyone around him. He was actually proud of how he looked. He knew he was good looking but hated his color. He loathed being blue. 

Jeonghan's fans on the other hand loved him for who he was. He never publicly talked about the color he actually owned and was pretty proud of himself for maintaining a fake facade of owning the color white. When he first walked into the dorms of Seventeen, he was very scared of everyone finding out his original color. He kept the formalities short and never showed much of his personality. It was a bit tough at first because there were other trainees of same age as his but he managed. 

The days went by very slowly. He has warmed up to only one person, Joshua. The sweet little devil Josh was the one to initiate a friendship and they have been inseparable ever since. They were in fact known as the evil twins because they did every mischief together. Surprisingly, Joshua was also the first and only one among his team mates to know his real color. 

It was a wintry morning when Jeonghan came back to the dorm after a tiring day at practice. They were preparing for their debut and with only 4 months left, and hence the practice has gotten tougher.

Jeonghan shared a room with Joshua and Seungkwan. When he entered the room, he was not even surprised to not find Seungkwan there. That boy has been giving his all and practicing day and night to train his vocals. Even if his voice is honey-like and so mesmerizing, he suffers from inferiority complex and can always be found in the studio practicing. 

"What are you doing Joshu-ji?" 

"Just making sure that my clothes are ready for tomorrow. How was practice?"

Jeonghan had to stay behind because he was missing some steps and Seungcheol has personally asked him to practice with him and Hoshi. To be very honest, Jeonghan has always been a bit scared of their leader. Even if he is nothing but a goofball when he is having fun with them, he gets pretty serious when it comes to group activities. The pressure is more on him. The members have to only pull themselves through this pre-debut phase but Cheol has to make sure that no one is left behind. Jeonghan hence was scared to disappoint him.

"It was tiring but I finally got the steps. Hoshi is a great teacher." 

"That is very true. You should sleep now Jeonghan-ah." 

Jeonghan decided to get at least some kind of sleep but when you are tired mentally too, sleep never comes soon. He laid down in bed, eyes up and focused on the ceiling while his thoughts took a wild ride. From the beginning of their training period everyone knew Seungcheol was Red. His aura, his words, the way he delivered himself was a true definition of a leader. And hence the fiery color red definitely described his persona. When Seungcheol admitted it being true, they all had a good laugh about it. Jeonghan on the other hand was upset. He was jealous for not being able to openly accept his color. He always made sure to hide it. Everyone knew him as the color white and it sometimes overwhelmed him. With multiple thoughts in mind as such, Jeonghan finally drifted off to sleep. 

1 year after Debut,

They have had a very good debut stage and the company was proud of them. They are currently working on the second album but the pressure is not that tiring. They now know the ins and outs and are a bit more mature and responsible with their devotion. Jeonghan on the other hand has grown a bit distant. With their group getting attention from the public, he is scared that his secret will be out. The scary thoughts had given him many sleepless nights and the fatigue is finally clear on his face. 

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