Confused feelings - Soonhoon(2)

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The movie outing went normally. Hoshi was glad that Woozi didn't bring up the subject of Hoshi ignoring the younger. They went to a nearby movie theatre. It was an action movie and pretty interesting and engaging so they didn't talk much while the movie was on. The accidental touches while sharing the same popcorn tub was on the other hand making Woozi all giddy. He was unable to understand the fact that he is loving being close to Hoshi.

After the movie, they decided to visit the park. They walked along the bank of the river, with ice-creams in their hands. 

"Did you like the movie?", asked Hoshi

"Umm yes hyung I did."

"Good. That's good."

They finally decided to sit on a nearby bench and take in the sunset that was about to begin. The sound of distant birds chirping as they find their way home, the river water glistening with the last rays of the sun and the weather slowly turning cooler felt soothing. They sat there in silence for what felt like eternities. Their heartbeats the only thing that could be heard. Woozi stared at the horizon, his eyes taking in the beautiful sunset, a beautiful end to a day.

"The sunset has always been my favorite.", Woozi softly says.

"It is my favorite too.", Hoshi says, eyes fixed on Woozi's sun kissed face. Oh how he wished to be the sunray right now.

Woozi suddenly turned his head towards Hoshi, and to Hoshi's luck, he has already turned his head witnessing the remaining of the golden sky.

"I have something to ask you hyung."

Hoshi nodded, rather nervously.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to but have I done something wrong? It felt like you were avoiding me for the past few days."

Hoshi knew he had to face this question at some point. The irony? He hasn't prepared a believable answer. He thought for a few seconds, and turning towards Woozi and giving his famous full watt smile, he answered.

"Woozi did you miss my naggings?" "Aww!"

"I- no hyung what?!"

"Its okay I know you love me. Anyways its just because I was a bit tensed about the upcoming album and few parts of the choreography. I am sorry if you felt less of my love."

Hoshi answers playfully and tries to hug Woozi which the younger escapes swiftly. Their giggles now cutting through the silence of the lakeside. Hoshi was pretty sure that he has avoided the issue pretty skillfully. They finally decided to head back home, laughing and joking.

Woozi felt a lot lighter but a part of him still wanted Hoshi to confess maybe? He has no idea what he expected as an answer but it was not Hoshi chasing to hug him. On the brighter side, he did have fun. A lot of fun. 

They soon reached their dorms. Seungcheol had actually gone to his parents' house for few days so it was him alone in his room. He got inside, waving a goodnight to Hoshi and closed the door. He sat down on the floor and everything somehow felt overwhelming. He was in love with that idiot. That much was sure. And the lingering hope of Hoshi feeling a little bit of what he felt is now suffocating him. He has always tried to avoid the idea of love as he focused on his career but now that Seungcheol has given him the push to discover his feelings, there was no turning back. So here Woozi sat, on the floor of his empty dorm room, trying to find a way to hide away his ever growing feelings.

A knock awakened him from his zoned out state. He wiped his eyes and quickly got up. To his surprise it was none other than Hoshi on the other side. They stared at each other for god knows how many minutes.

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