Pranks gone wrong - Jeongcheol(1)

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Since the time Jeonghan joined Pledis as a trainee, he has been entitled as the mischievous hyung. During the first few months, he was very shy and talked the least among all the boys and girls. He was more of the observer kind. He observed the jokes, the way the trainees bonded over one thing or another. He wasn't particularly aloof or rude, he did take part in group meetings or when someone asked for his help in something. He helped Mingyu choose his outfits. He helped Seungkwan with his vocal lessons and listened to Hoshi when he felt down. Overall Jeonghan was there but no one exactly knew what kind of person he is.

Days turned into months and with the entry of a new member Joshua, Jeonghan finally started to show his true personality. The one that his team mates, staff and fans started to adore more. He was funny, loved pulling pranks and teased the youngers. His most favourite person to tease was Mingyu. Mingyu was a tall shy kid in the beginning but soon became the clumsy giant that he is and Jeonghan would not leave a single chance to tease him about it. His ways of teasing each member were different and unique. He never repeated the same method with someone else and had probably had a book full of prank ideas somewhere hidden in his room.

The members adored Jeonghan. Even though he was a menace at most times, Jeonghan soon became the hyung they all could rely on emotionally. The one who listened to their problems and gave very good and fruitful solutions. He somewhat became the therapist of the group.

The only person he never really could prank was Seungcheol. The first thing he noticed about the boy was his demeanour. Seungcheol was the eldest before Jeonghan came into the picture and he immediately knew that Seungcheol was meant to be the leader. Even though the boy was all giggly and cute when they enjoyed beers, he was super serious and strict when it came to song making, choreographies and even vocal lessons. Seungcheol was the most favourite trainee and the staff members valued his decisions the most.

Being trained the longest had its own ups and downs. Seungcheol was supposed to have debuted in a different group but it didn't happen hence he was trained more vigorously than the others and the pressure made him even stronger in respects of dance, vocals, composing and rap. Even though Seungcheol was a rapper, his vocals were extremely beautiful. His deep voice created this aura that captivated everyone.

Jeonghan had tried a lot of times to fluster the leader by pulling various pranks that ranged from hiding his beanies to filling his shampoo bottle with white paint. Nothing flustered Seungcheol. He would laugh about the prank or even fight back with a worse prank but never give in. That was a trait Jeonghan adored. Seungcheol never gave in. The other reason that obstructed Jeonghan from pranking the leader was his loving personality.


This is known by everyone. Seungcheol has the ability to fluster even the straightest man possible. He would stare at you so admiringly while you talk that you will think he is in love with you, which isn't exactly the case. His eyes are just too expressive and the droopy eyelids gave him the dreamy boy look. Jeonghan didn't know what this meant when he first heard it from Seungkwan but when one night he sat down in the balcony, practicing the lyrics, the leader came and sat beside him, listening to him sing.

"You sing so well Jeonghan-ah.", gushed Seungcheol which startled Jeonghan a bit as he opened his eyes to find Seungcheol smiling softly as his eyes admired Jeonghan.

Jeonghan blushed and panicked muttering a quiet 'thank you' in return. Seungcheol asked Jeonghan to continue practicing as he sat there and just listened, his head resting on the back of the chair as he admired Jeonghan with his dreamy eyes.

That's when Jeonghan realized what the others were talking about. Seungcheol had this affect that can make you do anything he wants and it was somewhat dangerous. Hence, Jeonghan never succeeded in pranking him. This frustrated him. He really liked making people fluster but the leader was hell bent in ignoring it all. It took him days to finally come up with an idea to fluster the leader. It was a bit risky but he wanted to try flirting with Seungcheol.

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