Pranks gone wrong - Jeongcheol(2)

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Its another shoot day. They were shooting another 'going seventeen' episode as all of them huddled up in the set. There was a sofa kept in the middle of the room with different kinds of decorations that matched the aesthetic. They all were dressed as rich businessmen from the 90s and the theme of today's video was 'auctioning'. They all settled down as the directors explained the rules and details about the shoot.

Jeonghan sat beside Seungcheol as he listened to the rules and nodded simply. His mind was somewhere else. He was planning to fluster Seungcheol today, he hasn't done it in a while. The leader looked insanely good in the brown suit with his hair brushed back and those golden rim glasses. Jeonghan couldn't help but stare at him. Jeonghan tried so hard to concentrate on everything happening around him but every time his eyes went back to Seungcheol.

The game started and all of them quickly fell into their designated roles, laughing and teasing each other throughout the auction. They were supposed to anonymously auction on various items and the one who gets most of the items, win. They had a limited amount of money under their names. The game progressed with utter chaos as the members were called one by one into a different room to auction.

The eldest ones were done so Jeonghan sat beside Seungcheol and Joshua as they waited for the others to finish up.

"You look very handsome today, leader-nim.", said Jeonghan in a flirtatious tone, eyes glistering with mischief.

Seungcheol got startled by the sudden shower of compliment and just shyly nodded. He never understood how Jeonghan could so effortlessly flirt. Jeonghan has always been the menace in his life, always pranking and teasing him. He was a man with great endurance thus he always could tolerate the many tactics under Jeonghan's sleeves. Except flirting. The way Jeonghan's eyes sparkle, as he stared eye to eye and flirted was something Seungcheol could never take in. The leader would get flustered and words would fail to come out.

Seungcheol sometimes wonders what would happen if he flirted back but the thought would soon get erased from his mind as he feared making things too awkward. He doesn't want Jeonghan to feel uncomfortable in his presence, hence he stays quiet and just blushes.


The days passed along too quickly as all of them got busied with group activities and individual activities. Jeonghan became the brand ambassador of 'Saint Laurent' and did a photoshoot for them. His photoshoot was a very delicate and classy one, with nothing but a puffed sleeved sheer brown top and black pants. The concept was to make him look delicate and almost angelic with a tinge of sexiness. It was perfect and for someone with Jeonghan's visuals, it was so fitting.

Jeonghan aced the photoshoot, posing perfectly and sassily, serving his visuals. Soon the pictures came out and the members were the first to see them. They all cheered and laughed as the photos were shown on a big screen while Jeonghan only giggled. But to his surprise, Seungcheol didn't say much. After the cheers were over, they all moved back to the dorms and Jeonghan decided to corner the leader.

"Cheollie, can I talk to you for a bit?"

"Umm yes sure Hannie. What is it?"

They both were seated in Seungcheol's room and luckily, Woozi was in his studio and the others were enjoying a movie in the living room.

"Are you upset about something Cheol?", asked Jeonghan, concern lacing his voice.

"No. I am completely fine.", Seungcheol said earnestly.

"Then why didn't you react much to the pictures?", Jeonghan asked.

"Umm...", Seungcheol was speechless. He didn't really think that Jeonghan would notice him amidst all the cheers.

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