Lovesick Friendship - Seoksoo

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Falling in love with your classmate is one thing and that classmate being your best friend is a completely different level of panic. Joshua has never imagined that his heart will flutter for someone who has been with him since diapers, Lee Dokyeom. He has tried to erase the idea of it being a potential misunderstanding but oh well it has been 2 years now. Two years since that fateful night where he realized his feelings and two years since he has suppressed this thought in the darkest corner of his heart.

Two years ago, Christmas Eve,

"Hyung you should come with me!", said Dokyeom with a full watt smile. 

Joshua has just gone through a breakup where the girl said that Joshua never gave her the attention she deserved. He was frustrated now. He wasn't able to understand why he has been feeling no real connection with anyone recently. 

"Seokminnie I am not in the mooooood.", Joshua dragged the words cutely because he wanted to just stay in bed and probably overthink. 

"Come on hyung! You can't say no to me. It's Christmas and we have to go out." 

Joshua knew he can never say no to Dokyeom. He knew that he will always say yes to his dearest best friend. With a defeating sigh, he got out of bed and started layering up himself with sweaters and jackets. 

"Fine. Let's go.", Joshua said with a weak smile. 

Seokmin started clapping enthusiastically and pulled Joshua into a bone crushing hug. "You are the best hyung!", he exclaimed.

"Yeah yeah whatever, now dress up warm. I don't want you catching cold." 

They soon reached the market and started checking out all the shops that were selling various Christmas items. From miniature Christmas trees to ornaments to mistletoes. They arrived at a chocolate shop and decided to buy some for their friends. 

"I think Seungcheol hyung will like this one. It looks like a bunny see!", exclaimed Seokmin. 

Joshua gave a warm smile and said, "Seungcheol literally likes every kind of chocolate. We should write Jeonghan's name on his chocolate."

The evil plan was agreed upon and they quickly bought all the chocolates they wanted. The night was still young so they reached home and decided to watch movie with pizza and a beer. An hour into the movie, Seokmin was heavily drunk. 

"Yaa Seokmin you should sleep now." 

"No hyunggggggg I don't want toooooooo." "I want to spend more time with you."

Joshua started giggling at the cute antics he was pulling even though he was visibly drunk and drowsy. 

"We can spend time tomorrow whole day. I don't have any plans." 

Dokyeom turned towards Joshua and smiled, "Okay hyung." "Hyung..." 

Joshua looked at him and saw him staring. "What's wrong?" 

"Hyung you know you are really handsome. People must be lucky to date you."

He was definitely drunk and Joshua knew that. Then why was his heart beating so fast?

"W..What? I mean thanks? Still I can't get in a relationship.", he humored to hide his embarrassment.

"She didn't understand your worth. If it were me, I would have kept you the happiest.", slurred Dokyeom. 

Joshua was startled. He definitely knew Dokyeom was drunk and talking nonsense. But aren't drunk thoughts, honest thoughts? No he shouldn't think about it. They are best friends. They have been best friends for almost their entire life. Dokyeom was still staring at him with sparkling eyes. Can eyes sparkle? Dokyeom's does. Joshua noticed. 

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