Fools in Love - Verkwan

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Vernon's POV

Seungkwan can be the most oblivious person anyone has ever met and Vernon sometimes gets annoyed about it. Normally Vernon is a very unbothered man but when it comes to how dumb Seungkwan is, he gets frustrated but doesn't show.

Seungkwan and Vernon first met when they were trainees, practicing alongside each other. Vernon was born and brought up in America and hence wasn't that good at adjusting to the Korean etiquettes. And above all this, Vernon was a very shy kid who sat alone throughout the training sessions and talked only when asked to. Seungkwan on the other hand was the life of the party. He would always represent the group, helping members talk on camera and making them basically social life ready. Seungkwan was extremely friendly and in a short period of time had made a lot of friends among trainees as well as staff. He was just a gullible kid.

When Seungkwan first saw how quiet Vernon was, he was determined to break the shell and bring him out of it. It kind of became his mission. He would voluntarily ask questions to Vernon or even take him along to grocery shopping. Vernon at first was reluctant to all of it but noticing the enthusiasm Seungkwan showed, he gave in. Being of the same age, they did have a lot in common once they started sharing everything. Seungkwan basically acted like Vernon's guardian, taking care of his looks and his health even off screen. Seungkwan made sure that the latter was given chances to speak on camera.

Vernon at first used to get weirded out but with the continuous care that Seungkwan ushered, he started sharing everything with him. Seungkwan would be the first and sometimes the only one to know about what is bothering him. Vernon was selected as a hip hop unit member and was also a part of the song composing team. Being the second last youngest came with the pressure of performing better in front of the elders of the group (who have more experience). He would stay awake nights after nights and work on his lyrics. The rapping also stressed him at certain points and even though Seungkwan was part of the vocal team, he would sit beside the rapper, cheering him on.

The continuous love and care that Seungkwan showed made Vernon like him more. Soon the rapper realized that it was more than brotherly love that he felt for the elder. Vernon, being brought up in the foreign knew about same sex relationships a lot more than that of the others and hence didn't exactly panic. He was rather shocked and probably felt a bit guilty for harboring such emotions for someone who only saw him as a platonic best friend. He decided to forget about it and work hard on the music career that awaited.


Five years after debut

Seventeen debuted with a large audience loving the way thirteen boys synchronized in such a perfect manner and the songs they produced had the energy that left the public wanting for more. Five years into the debut and the group has gotten better and better. The members now more polished in their vocals, dance and rap. The group has gotten more exposure in the last few months and it was rather exciting for everyone.

Vernon's POV

Vernon is currently in his studio, trying to write some lyrics for his new rap. He has been a lot annoyed lately because nothing seems to work well. He has already rejected two or three verses as none of them suited the vibe of the album. But above all the things that are bothering him, the most is Seungkwan. The boy has been trying to get him out of the studio and he simply is avoiding it even though it physically hurts him to say no to Seungkwan. He is a goner for that boy. He keeps working, trying to perfect the rap when he was distracted by a soft knock.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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