The boy next door - Meanie(2)

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The journey to the vacation bungalow was rather lengthy. It was located on the outskirts of the town amongst a very picturesque view. It took them around an hour to pass through the busy streets of Busan, pausing at a grocery store because Wonwoo's cousin texted them to buy some stuffs that they needed to prepare lunch. Soon they have left behind the tall buildings, the industries and the busy lanes. They could now see the mountains and the beautiful terrains.

The car went down a graveled path, amongst the forest trees and to a very beautiful bungalow. It covered a huge plot of land with campfire and swimming pool too. The main entrance was surrounded on both sides with beds full of flowers. They got down and took their luggage out. Wonwoo's cousin Mingi came out walking towards them.

"Hyung! I missed you!!", Mingi exclaimed excitedly and went for a bone crushing hug.

Wonwoo despite acting disgusted felt happy to have the love of his family members. He hugged back, patting Mingi's head.

"You are getting married. So grown up!", laughed Wonwoo.

"You know you should hug me too.", came a reply from behind him. 

Wonwoo and Mingi turned towards Mingyu only to find him sulking. Mingi chuckled and hugged him too. They finished their greetings and went inside to settle their bags and freshen up. Wonwoo took his bag to their shared room and kept his clothes in the cupboard provided. He then took out a fresh pair of clothes and went inside the bathroom for a shower. By the time he came out, Mingyu had already settled himself and was scrolling through his phone, laying on the bed. His eyes locked with Wonwoo's and he smiled.

"Oh, you are done hyung. Then I will shower too."

Wonwoo nodded and settled on his side of bed. He took out the book he had brought here and decided to read some pages until lunch was served. He got so engrossed in reading that he didn't notice the younger coming out of shower and slowly creeping up to him to have a peak at what Wonwoo was reading. 

"I have read this book too.", said Mingyu.

Wonwoo was slightly startled and finally looked at the younger. Wrong move. Mingyu was half naked, few water droplets still on his chest and arms. Wonwoo's eyes went wide and he averted his gaze and focused on the book, his brain completely in dismay.

Why he has to be like this?

"What happened hyung? Are you okay?"

"Yes I am. You should wear some clothes. You might catch a cold.", Wonwoo said with a gentle smile. 

The next few days went along in some kind of daze as they all enjoyed the time playing games, joking around and going on trips. The days started and ended with Mingyu endlessly flirting with Wonwoo. From "hyung you look so good" to "I would totally date you", the flirting was unmatched for. And it doesn't end here. From the ghost touches to secretly whispering, Mingyu was doing everything he could to fluster Wonwoo and it wasn't going unnoticed by everyone. 

Their friends took every chance to tease both of them and even asked them to get6 a room to which Mingyu just chuckled and winked an Wonwoo.

Wonwoo on the other hand was really flustered. He has never had someone so openly flirt with him. He knew Mingyu flirts with him on daily basis but as the wedding date progressed, the flirting intensified and it was too much for Wonwoo's poor heart. He can't take this much from someone he has a crush on. He really thought that the feeling died when he left the town for his job but seeing Mingyu again, just dug up all the feelings and the flirting wasn't helping the situation at all.

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