Confused feelings - Soonhoon(1)

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For the new CARATs:

Woozi's real name is Lee Jihoon

Hoshi's real name: Kwon Soonyoung

Jihoon has many problems related to his music production but the one problem that tortures him day and night is that one specific dancer of their team, Kwon Soonyoung. Even though Soonyoung is older than Jihoon, the boy never leaves a chance to be hyperactive and annoy him. Jihoon has always hated physical affection and the fact that someone loves it a way too much sounds a whole lot troublesome.

The main issue isn't the affection. It is how Jihoon actually finds it endearing. He has had past relationships but none gave him the amount of patience he deserved. He is a busy man and mostly spends his days in the studio and that causes rift in relationships. He has never been someone who can devote himself to someone else. He has always lived on the support of music. Abandoned as a teenager, and not included in any plans by his school friends, he has decided to never show too much compassion for anyone.

In the case of Hoshi, that seemed like a difficulty. Even though Woozi tries his best to avoid the hyperactive elder, he can barely stay away from his affectionate attacks.

Take today for example. They have been preparing for their comeback and the dance practice timings have increased and are more hectic. For Woozi it gets even more tough because he needs to take care of the music too. He is continuously working shifts between his music studio and the choreography room. They have finished practicing the choreo for the fifth time and the teacher has given them a break of half an hour. Woozi has settled down on one of the corners, leaning against the mirror and breathing heavily. 

He takes his bottle and gulps down a good amount of glucose while his legs give in to the throbbing pain that has annoyed him throughout the routine. He needs to keep himself healthy. Suddenly he felt the presence of someone sitting beside him. And even if Woozi had his eyes closed, he can recognize that breathing anywhere. Traumatic isn't it? He slowly opened his eyes only to see Hoshi sitting beside him, legs sprawled across the floor as his head rests on the mirror behind them. Hoshi has his eyes closed, mouth open, trying to get in more air as sweat dripped down the side of his cheeks. Even in such a state of tiredness, Hoshi looked annoyingly handsome to Woozi and that's what makes him more mad.

Erasing all those thoughts he lightly tapped on the shoulder of the elder. Hoshi took a moment before opening his eyes and looking directly into Woozi's eyes. His head still resting on the mirror as he turned his head to give Woozi his whole attention.

"What is it Jihoon-ah?", his voice was groggier than intended. It threw a shiver down Woozi's spine.

"Do you want some glucose? I have some with me.", said Woozi softly. 

Hoshi thought for a second and smiled. His full watt smile. The smile that Woozi gets annoyed of but also adores so much. Even if Hoshi gets tired the most in the team because he needs to continuously teach his members too, he never loses that smile and it sometimes encourages Woozi to work hard too.

"Aww Jihoon-ah cares for me so much.", he squealed and pinched Woozi's cheeks.

So much for being kind damn. He shoved Hoshi's hands away and handed him the bottle.

"Hyung! Shut up and drink it idiot.", grumbled Woozi. His cheeks were pinkish for sure by now and so he just quickly turned his head to stare at his phone.

The practice soon got over and Woozi decided to visit the studio to check out the last bits of the song he was composing. He worked there for an hour or so and decided to call it a day. The moment he entered the dorm rooms, he could sense that everyone was fast asleep. The lights were all turned off except the one in the living room.

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