Pranks gone wrong - Jeongcheol(3)

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The next few days were basically an onset of Seungcheol flirting back in every chance he got. Seungcheol was a natural flirt and the fact that he has controlled it for all these years was being heavy on Jeonghan now. The subtle glances, innumerable compliments were making Jeonghan a blushing mess. Seungcheol would touch Jeonghan in every chance he got. It ranged from randomly holding his hands to subtly playing with his hair as Seungcheol listened to other members talk. The leader was extra clingy. But the thing that bothered Jeonghan the most was when Seungcheol involuntarily pulled him in by his waist, the rough skin of Seungcheol's hand making a puddle out of the younger as he felt hot and out of breath.

Jeonghan was getting too addicted to the touches and it all seemed so easy for Seungcheol. The leader did all these as if it were his habit to do so. He would compliment Jeonghan, whisper sweet nothings in his ear and compliment his every outfit. The things started getting really tough when Seungcheol joined gym. He became all bulked up and the muscles were to die for. Seungcheol was on hiatus at that time and when he finally joined the group activities again, Jeonghan had to control himself from hanging himself onto Seungcheol's very muscular arms.

And then Seungcheol's 'Marie Claire' photoshoot happened where he wore a chained jacket with the chain almost completely open, proudly displaying his newly formed abs as he stared directly at the camera, quirking his eyebrows in the hottest way possible. The pictures were a great success as everyone including the staff members gushed about how good the leader looked. Jeonghan was speechless. The photos did something to him. He has no idea that his best friend could look this handsome and hot and now he was actually jealous that everyone was allowed to see these pictures.


The days went by as Jeonghan finally got used to the physical touches that came so naturally to Seungcheol. He would actually now melt in into the touches, allowing himself to enjoy it till it lasts, till things grow awkward, till Seungcheol finally decides to get bored of it. But all threshold tore lose when one particular night Seungcheol decided to visit Jeonghan's apartment with dinner.


Jeonghan was on hiatus at that time because of his mental state. He was getting too nervous on stage, so company decided to give him a break for few months. The vigorous training has made him weak. He was resting in one of the apartments that the staff rented out for him so that he can recover without being bothered to adjust for the rest of the members. It was around 10 pm when there was a knock on the door followed by his phone ringing.

"Cheol? What's up?"

"Nothing much Hannie. Open the door for me.", Seungcheol's deep voice came through the receiver.

Jeonghan got up from the sofa and lazily dragged his feet to the door and opened it to disclose a smiling Seungcheol with food in both his hands.

"What the heck? You bought dinner?", Jeonghan was pleasantly surprised.

"Yes! You haven't eaten yet right?", Seungcheol asked, a bit embarrassed for the sudden visit.

"No, I wasn't able to decide what to eat. I am glad you came.", Jeonghan ushered the leader in and they settled on the couch. The food containers were then placed on the table as Seungcheol meticulously arranged everything for Jeonghan and himself. Jeonghan just sat there, admiringly watching the leader do so much for him.

Seungcheol handed the plate and chopsticks to Jeonghan and both of them started eating. The food was delicious and for someone like Jeonghan with such small appetite, he ate a lot. Seungcheol smiled softly as he saw Jeonghan enjoying the food and served him more. After they were done with dinner, they decided to watch a movie.

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