Story Info

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Hello loves! Welcome to my story "Redamancy". I just wanted to give some information about this fanfic. I know you probably want to skip this, but please at least skim through.

TikTok: I have made a TikTok for this fanfic. I plan to use it to help keep you all updated on new chapters.
The username is @ redamancy_fred_weasley

Trigger warnings: This fanfic will have triggering topics such as sexual themes, homophobia, violence, mental health, toxic family, foster care, humiliation, religious trauma, bullying, abuse, addiction, drinking, and drugs. More trigger warnings may be added as the story goes on. I will not put warnings at the start of every chapter, so this is your only warning.

Updates: I will try my best to have 1-3 updates a week. I plan to have more updates a week when we get to the end of March, but right now I am super busy with school and having two really bad teachers. I value quality over quantity, I rather get one longer, really good chapter out a week then three bad and short chapters.

Type of story:
The story will be a slow-burn. While the romance part is a major part of the plot there will be other plots happening as well. There is the romance, the character finding who she is, finding out who her family is, friends, and the main plot of the Harry Potter Books.

There will be some French in my books. Some will be from google translate and some will be my own translation as I do speak a very small amount of French, so please forgive me if it is not correct. I do plan to put the translation in parentheses after the sentence in French.

Casting: I thought about doing a casting chapter, but I could not find someone I thought fit my character, so their will be physical description, but you are free to imagine her anyway you want.

Last but not least SMUT!!!! This will be a dark romance and anything but vanilla so get ready. If that is not your thing this may not be the story for you as I do not plan to put trigger warnings at the start of every chapter with smut.

HINT: If you want to make predictions of what will happen I recommend looking into the meanings behind my characters names, but please don't spoil it for anyone that wants it to be a total surprise.

Redamancy- Fred Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now