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Third Person POV:

Rain pelted down in large, cold droplets; soaking the thirsty vegetation. A dark green bush rattled, a Wolf soon appearing and trotting off in hurried paw-steps. Its dark brown pelt was soaked even further as the rain came down harder. Its piercing green eyes glowed in the night's dark blanket.

"Where are we going?" A pup questioned, crashing through the dark vegetation, in pursuit of the older Wolf.

"Darkness, it is coming... I can feel it in the atmosphere," The older Wolf stated, not slowing down for the struggling pup.

The pup's cream colored pelt stuck to his small frame as he struggled to keep pace.

"Slow down, Nova," The pup pleaded, tripping over a tree's root that curved out of the moist soil.

"Meeko, we have no time to spare!" Nova snapped, turning back and harshly picking the pup up by his scruff.

"I can walk you know!" Meeko protested with a growl, his ears flattening against his head as they carried on.

The two traveled in silence as Nova raced on, his fur bristling along his spine, while his emerald eyes were wide in fear. Suddenly, Nova skidded to a halt, digging his large claws in the moist earth. A familiar scent flooded the young male's nostrils, causing his fur to bristle even more; his tail was held high.

"W-What was t-that?" Meeko questioned from Nova's jaw, glancing around quickly with scared green eyes.

Nova bent his neck down, placing the pup on the ground gently; his ears twitching at the sound of snapping twigs that came from both sides of the pair.

"It was nothing, don't worry about it..." Nova said calmly, whipping his head around to face a growling sound; revealing two black Wolves on either side of a white Wolf.

"Well, well, well... If it isn't Nova, and that adorable brother of his... Meeko, is it?" The white Wolf held his head high; his eyes were crimson, like blood.

Nova only growled and stepped over his litter mate protectively.

"Do not speak of my brother's name..." Nova growled lowly, raising his head high and perking his ears.

Both black Wolves, on either side of the white one, growled or snapped their jaws, whining with excitement.

"Settle down boys... You'll have your fun in just a heartbeat..." The white Wolf chuckled darkly, sitting down on his haunches.

Meeko trembled underneath his older brother, ears drawn back as he watched the scene play out with wide fearful eyes.

"Nova, be a good boy... Tell me where the others have gone," The white Wolf glared at Nova, hatred sparking from his crimson visionaries.

Is he talking about Zak, Logan, and Shasta? Meeko wondered, his body shaking with pure fear now.

"Go roll in dirt..." Nova sneered, allowing his claws to dig into the earth even further.

"I was afraid you would say something along those lines..." The white Wolf laughed in a taunting tone.

"W-Who are y-you?" Meeko questioned quietly from underneath his brother, still shaking with fear.

"Oh, how rude of me... I am Akita, every Wolf's nightmare..." Akita raised a paw to his chest, still laughing with a taunting note.

Meeko's eyes widen as the name rang in his ears. This is the Wolf who killed mother! The young pup whined slightly, the memory of his mother's bloody and beaten form flashing through his eyes.

"Maggot eater!" Meeko howled out mournfully, tears stinging at his optics.

"Music to my ears... Hmm... Tell me Nova, why did they leave?" Akita stopped laughing, becoming serious now.

"Zak knew that you would betray the pack... And you did, surprise, surprise... So, they left in hope of finding a new town..." Nova snarled, bending down to lick his brother's ear comfortingly.

"Isn't it a shame that they left you to fend for yourself? They are nothing but cowards with their tail between their legs!" Akita barked angrily, his tail beginning to lash from one side to another.

Nova licked Meeko's ear once more, feeling the situation begin to tense up further than it already was. He knew what was about to happen, sadly. Akita had received the information that he was after, he no longer needed Nova or Meeko; alive that is.

"When I give the word, run as fast as you can and don't stop running... No matter what you hear..." Nova whispered sternly, licking Meeko's cheek before raising his head again.

Meeko's small frame went numb all over, his ears drawing back once more. The small pup knew what fate his older littermate was about to encounter.

"Very well then..." Akita yawned with a bored tone, rising to his paws and turning his back on the two brothers, "Boys, fetch..."

Both black Wolves growled, stalking towards Nova and Meeko while Akita trotted off.

"Meeko, now!" Nova barked, lashing out a paw at the nearest enemy.

Without arguing, Meeko ran for it; his pelt stuck to his frame as it rained down harder. The young pup kept running; Nova's words rang in his ears, forcing his short paws to pick up speed until his chest ached with the lack of oxygen. Thorns scratched at Meeko as he crashed through a bush, panting hard with exhaustion; refusing to stop running. Upon hearing two triumphant filled howls, Meeko stopped and turned in the direction he came from.

"Nova..." Meeko whined, tears flowing down the pup's cheeks.

"You poor, poor thing..." A voice chuckled darkly, causing Meeko to turn towards the voice; Akita.

"S-Stay a-away f-f-fro-from me..." Meeko stuttered, backing away slowly.

Suddenly, growls were heard from behind the pup; the other two Wolves. Their muzzle dripped with blood, one of them had a ripped ear.

"We can't afford anyone running to get help, now can we?" Akita smirked, allowing a sharp fang to show, "Kill him..."

"Help!" Meeko cried out in pain as one of the black Wolves clamped his jaw around his back.

The black Wolf shook Meeko violently until a cracking sound was heard, causing Meeko to yowl in great pain. The black Wolf dropped Meeko, bent down, and started attacking the young pup; the other black Wolf joining in.

"This is what happens when you dare challenge me..." Akita settled down on his haunches, listening as Meeko's cries of pain came to a permanent silence, "You will perish..."

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