Chapter eight: A Change in Emotions...

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Holly's POV:

I opened my eyes slowly, soon glancing around my empty apartment. Empty... Where is everyone? I thought with a sigh, plopping back down on my pillow.

"Alright... Time to eat, and then go train..." I rolled out of bed lazily, hoping that everyone was at the training ground.

Two days had passed since Nyan's death; everyone was devastated when I arrived at the training ground alone that night. It's my fault... It's my fault you're gone... I'm sorry... I breathed in shakily, taking a seat at my small round table. I was still very pained by the big cat's death. On second thought... I'm not hungry... I sniffled with a sorrow filled heart, feeling my stomach grow sick.

"They will suffer..." I balled up my fist, feeling a twinge of hatred make its way into the pit of my heart, "Every single one of them..."

Standing up from my chair, I walked back into my room, grabbed a fresh pair of cloths and my brush; getting ready for the day. Once finished getting ready, I stared at my reflection in the bathroom while brushing my wavy raven-black hair. My eyes widened as my own refection smirked deviously at me, green eyes fading to a dark red color. The reflection of me grew sharp fangs, her red eyes glowing with a killing need.

"W-What?" I rubbed my eyes, looking back at the mirror afterwards; the terrifying monster was gone.

I stumbled back a couple of steps, my back colliding with the door. I still stared at the mirror, my jaw tightly clenched shut. Was that me...? I fled from the bathroom, throwing my brush on the bed, quickly grabbing the crystal, and rushing outside; closing and locking the door behind me.

"Ma'am, is that your car?" I whipped towards an unknown male voice.

"Yes, it is..." I forced out a soft chuckle, glancing towards the red beaten car that the man was pointing at.

"It was making a weird sound earlier..." The man in a white shirt with blue jeans shrugged; entering his own apartment.

"Thanks..." I trotted pass my car, not giving it a second glance, continuing to walk towards the training ground, "I think I'll walk... I don't want to take the chance of being blown up in my own car... Damn you Daniel..."

I allowed my hands to hide in the pockets to my red hoodie; seeing that it was a bit chilly at the moment. So much for warm forecast... I huffed at the thought as the wind blew harder, carrying a familiar scent. Turning around slowly, I narrowed my eyes not seeing anyone. I could've sworn I smelled them, I growled silently, turning back and continuing on towards the training ground. Halfway there, I got an unbearable feeling of being watched; a horrible knot dropped in my stomach as I got a whiff of that same scent.

"You-" I screeched in hatred, soon interrupted by a hand covering my mouth.

"Oh, tu m'as manque aussi... I've missed you too..." A thick French accented voice sneered in my ear; Gonzales.

I growled, allowing my eyes to dart around the empty street, landing on a certain brunet wearing sun-glasses. Seriously? I have to kick both their asses? Eh, I'm cool with that...

"Oh, my second least favorite person..." Barrel laughed mockingly, lowering his black sun-glasses slightly; revealing his glowing red eyes that matched his personality.

I growled, elbowing Gonzales's stomach with a pretty good amount of force, earning a pained snarl from the silver man. Gonzales slung an arm around my throat, crushing my wind pipe. I coughed and gasped, getting a good grip on his arm, I threw him over my shoulder; like karate character would do in a movie. I whipped around to run away, only to face a smirking Barrel; he held three large, red claws at my throat.

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