Chapter eleven: Crumbling...

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Daniel's POV:

          I grumbled and pulled the covers to my nose, snuggling deeper into my recliner. Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Get up, everyone, get up!" I snapped my eyes open, gazing at my panicking sister.

I flung the comforters of my body, hearing more knocking at the door. I watched as Lee and Clementine hid in-between the couch and my recliner; the darkness hiding them. I shot under the bed, nearly knocking Stephano out as our heads collided painfully. I'm just glad we didn't kiss like that one Naruto episode!

"Holly, where do I hide?!" Robby's voice rang through my ears; his whisper in a panicking tone.

"You're my boyfriend, if they ask!" My sister's voice replied.

I snapped my eyes to a growling Stephano. Why's he jealous? He was smooching my girlfriend's face! Wait a second, Robby spent the night?

I averted my eyes to moving feet, since that's all I could see, watching silently as my sister's feet approach the door; her flip-flops nearly slipping off as she made hurried steps.

"Detective Millard!" Holly shouted nervously, after opening the door.

"Holly, good morning, how are – who's this?" Detective Millard's question made me freeze.

"I'm her fiancé!" Robby exclaimed; he stepped over to my sister with a laugh.

"Funny... I don't see a ring on your finger..." Detective Millard's voice held suspicion.

I felt awkwardness bubble up in my stomach, twisting like a tightening rope. Holly feels awkward about this... Hell, I would too... Especially if I had to pretend my best friend was my fiancé... I thought, snapping my gaze over to a pissed off looking Stephano, really especially if my boyfriend was listening to this...

"Well, I lost it in the drain pipe last night!" Holly blurted out in a certain tone, as if committing a sin.

"Hmm... Alright then..." Detective Millard sighed, walking back towards the door, "Detective Foster is currently on vacation, as soon as he returns... We'll continue questioning you. Have a good day."

Well... He seemed like he was in a rush... I huffed, climbing out from under the bed after Stephano. Smirking, I watched Robby and Vic high-fived each other while snickering in mischief.

"Wow... He totally fell for that!" Robby exclaimed, throwing his hands up.

"Yeah, he did!" Holly laughed, punching Robby's shoulder playfully.

"I'm hungry!" Clementine stated while crawling out from between the couches; Lee in tow.

"I'll make some breakfast burritos..." I offered, feeling my stomach claw at its nerves.

"Hmm..." Stephano grunted, retreating to the bathroom.

I narrowed my eyes as he crashed shoulders with Robby; in a challenging way. I bet he's jealous... I thought with a sigh, feeling a twinge of guilt gnaw at my chest for mentally accusing him of kissing Savanna, maybe Robby just saw wrong...


"You're the idiot!" Felix snarled, tackling Cry to the muddy ground.

The fuck is going on?! I thought with widened eyes, watching the two men go at each other; they weren't training either.

"Yo! Quit it guys!" I shouted, bolting over to the fighting two, and pulling Felix off of a struggling Cry.

"You are a fucking asshole!" I struggled to hold back a raging Felix as Cry shouted in fury.

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