"NO! No let go of me! What is this place? where's my new family!?" she heard the young female voice yell it filled her dimly lite prison. She didn't dare look up as the armed guard dragged the young girl through the hallway opening the cage across from her's "Shut the hell up girl and get the fuck in before you get the hose!" she finally lifted her head watching as the fightened new girl's eyes widen. She wondered if she looked the same when she was brought to this awful place. The girl looked no older then 12 with long blonde hair reluctantly she swallowed hard stepping into to the dark caged room it was identical to her own. Only a old bed and a toilet sat inside the only decoration was the old blood stains from it's previous owner. Another armed guard walked in behind her clamping a metal clasp around her ankle locking it in place the chain was only so long. All experiments wore them it was attached to the wall giving them limited space to move in their small cages. After he finishes he walked out and slammed the door behind him locking it "Please don't leave me here! Let me out!" she screamed hands tight around the metal bars. The sound was making her ears ring loudly she quickly covered them cringing wishing the girl to keep it down she would only make it worse on herself by yelling. While she watched she took note of the girls chipped purple nails polish. The guards and doctors here didn't like patients who weren't obedient to they're every order they would definitely scrub off the polish later but not before they would punish her for the yelling. One of the guards picked the red hose off the old brick wall pointing it in the young girls direction. She takes a step back jew dropped "Would you rather die from the hypothermia from this water or the drugs from the experiments they are gonna start pumping into your system?" he looked at her coldly shaking her head in fear. He smiled seeming pleased by her reaction "It wouldn't be so bad, she's been here for years and she only vomits blood occasionally" he looks back towards her cage she quickly looked down not meeting his eyes. The other guard laughs as his partner put the hose back on the wall "If you wanna die quicker keep fucking screaming!" he slammed his fist against her cage door she crumbled to the floor crying. And they walk away laughing leaving them alone in silence well not complete silence every few minutes you would hear the occasional scream from the labs or one of the other experiments in their cell. Most like her has already given up on trying to get out and has lost their minds she didn't knew what she was hanging on to. What was the point? she had no family or anything she was just a orphan when they brought her here only 5 years old even if she did some how mange to get out where would she even go? The girl look up at her with watery blue eye's "What is this place what are they going to do to me?" she looked back up at her between the dark strands of hair. The girl was startling at first by her unusual eye color they where a bright pink color making her wonder if that was natrual or from the experiments mentioned earlier "Your eyes....what have they done to you, what will they do to me please tell me?" her voice shakes with every word. She didn't wanna scare the poor girl but the facts would only make her more afraid for her own future. She couldn't see herself so she didn't know what the girl might about her eye color not once has she been able to see herself since she got here. Apparently she didn't look normal to the young girl which was slightly upsetting she's changed coming here in more ways then one. Honestly even though she's been here since she was 5 she still had no idea what the scientist's were experimenting on them for. What was the purpose for all the deaths, pain and misery? Everyday they would inject them with different chemicals some would have no effect others would leave her skin crawling or her nose dripping with blood. Somehow she has manged to live this long but she has changed amidstly she was no longer a normal human but...at least she was alive. The other boys and girls that where here when she first arrived was now dead and gone. Most experiments here where between 8 and 20 they usually didn't last older then that. Replaced right away with new fresh people in there place leaving nothing behind. She was brought here alot younger then most she didn't know why they picked her. She spent countless hours wishing they looked past her that day many years ago. She had know clue where they would get the new people from most would be younger kids so she guessed they came from different orphanages like her "Miss please!" the girl yelled startling her from her own day dream. She looked to the side debating whether to tell the truth or not "This is hell...you'll get experimented on everyday till...you die" the girl cried hard into her arms feeling hopeless and afraid. She simply watched her cry she couldn't blame her for it. When she first got here she used to always talk to the cage mates around her but once they started dying off one by one she figured there was no point in getting to know the new people around her they would all be dead soon anyway. Seeing the girl cry her eyes out wasn't enjoyable but this was their reality "What's your name?" she asked trying to take her mind off the reality of their situation. She whiped her tears looked down bringing her knees to her chest "Sara...I don't know my last name I'm 11 what's yours?" she didn't know how to respond at first. She never had a family either she never had a name if she did she didn't know what it was at the orphanage they gave her many cruel names trash, maggot and bitch but no sweet or cute names. The different scientist and doctors just called her experiment. Each day since she arrived they would deliver her with a different experiment and she's been here for 15 years in a sad way that has become her name. She licks her dry lips she's always been in living hell she thought glancing at the cold metal around her ankle. Though the thick metal around her ankle was still intact farther down the links was slashed sharply with blunt force. She's been slowly cutting through the metal the last few weeks know no seemed to notice. She wondered if there was a better world out there for a girl like her if she somehow managed to get out would she be able to live normally after all she's been through, after all the experiments...after all the powers she's gained. Looking up meeting the girl's shaky eyes "I'm Experiment 5475" that's how long she's been here that's how many experiments she's has had, thats her name. The girl looks at her confused Emma hears the familiar clicking of heels walking towards them from down the hall. Her body instinctually starts to shake even though she's already received her experiment for today so they weren't coming for her. She signaled for the girl to get on her bed maybe if the scientists didn't recognize her as being new she could be spared for at least one day. She quickly got up from the floor stumbling over to the bed climbing onto it looking afraid. She wished she could tell her to show no fear to be unafraid they would only found pleasure in her pain and anguish. Pushing the hair out her face she keeps her stare blank forward as the heels stop right in front of their cages. The blonde woman looks over Sara notpad in her hands "Umm what's this a new test subject hopefully your be more resilient than the last. Get her out and on a stretcher" the girls cage it open by two guard she looked like a caged rat trying to escape them. She tried to run around them out the cage the metal clasp around her ankle keeping her from even reaching the door. One of the guards laughs at her attempt walking closer unclipping the metal "Stupid girl you really thought you could run away" Sara weakly punched against his chest. Her expression wavered as one of the guards delivered a hard punch to the poor girl's face she fell to the hard cement blonde hair falling wildly around her. The girls eyes meet her's pleading for help as one of the guards grab her arm harshly "Get up girl" he growls the scientist grins holding the clipboard close to her chest seeming impatient. She knew the doctor as soon as she heard the heels coming it was scientist Penny Fisher she was the most cruel scientists here. Most doctors here would sedate their patients before starting the experiments but not her she seemed to enjoy the pain she delivers. She didn't care if the patient was in pain or screaming for her to stop she would get the experiment done in the end even if she had to physically restrain them to the beds. She doesn't know what came over her but she stands up from her bed "Your hurting her leave her alone!" walking to her cage door Ms. Fisher turns to her with a smile "Don't interfere experiment or you'll get yourself a punishment and I know you don't want that right?" she tilted her head as the guards throw Sara onto the stretcher strapping her arms down with thick leather straps. She thrashed around screaming bloody murder Ms. Fisher sighs pulling a syringe of liquid out of her pocket. The guards straps down Sara's legs and wrist but she continued to try to move tears rolling down her face "We can't have you moving while we work" she swallowed hard watching her position the needle against Sara's neck. Sara's pants heavy as all she can do is watch Ms. Fisher move closer "No please I just wanted a family please no!" Ms. Fisher hushed her with a crooked smile while one of the the guards covered Sara's mouth. Her fists tighten around the bars feeling helpless she knew if she used her powers she could get Sara out but then she would out herself for having them. And they would still be trapped here they wouldn't be able to get out "Your monster's!" she yelled unable to stop herself panic for Sara setting in. She glared at the back of Ms. Fisher head praying for a miracle Ms. Fisher turns towards her looking at her while stabbing the needle into Sara neck "No...I'm a scientist" Sara's eyes struggle to hold contact with her's. She punched the cell bars making Ms. Fisher smile widen she turned to one of the guards "You, punish her for this oh...and make sure she doesn't die we have to experiment on her tomorrow" Sara's eye slowly start to close as Ms. Fisher and one of the guards walk their way down the hall towards one of the many labs Sara's limp body on the stretcher. The other guard looks her way making her take a step away back from the door "Aww don't run you know your my favorite experiment to torture I love how you try not to scream. Will you be strong today huh after all you've seen?" he grabs the hose off the wall turning it on the water pours on the floor. It was a familiar sound making her ears ring he unlocks her door walking into her cage she backs into the far corner feeling trapped he grabs a fist full of her hair. She groans looking into his soulless eye "Don't scream" she trys to pull his hands away but she was to weak they haven't feed her for the last two days. He shoved the hose deep into her mouth making her gag on the hard metal water filling her lungs he grins watching her struggle around they fall to the ground him forcing his other hand over her nose. Her eyes water as she fight to get away fighting for breath but there was no use he was to to heavy "Don't scream...mmm you look sexy like this yah know begging for air...or wait are you just begging for death. A death that will never come you'll suffer here forever" she wanted to throw up as he finally pulled the hose out her mouth letting go of her hair leaving her gasping for air face falling against the wet cement. She glared at him as he stands climbing off her "Who knows maybe I'll be back tomorrow after your done with your experiments and we can have alittle fun I know you've never been with a man living in this place" she coughed up water crawling to the corner of her bed laying her head on the hard mattress. Swallowing hard would he really be back tomorrow what did he want with her? Why couldn't she be free why isn't life fair? Tears roll out her eyes "Just kill me" she whispered making him laugh she rather die then see what he had planned for her tomorrow. He walked out her cage leaving her on the wet floor cold already starting to nip her skin "Sorry bosses orders can't kill you" what where they keeping her alive for!? He locked the door she hears the clicking of heels once again "What a shame...she didn't last very long" she glanced up eyes instantly a cry ripped through her lips as a covered stretcher is pushed past her cage down the hall a white hand hang dangling over the edge with purple chipped polish. She recognized it as Sara mortifying her she could have saved her with her powers but she didn't. Her chest burned from guilt this wasn't supposed to happen why did something like this have to happen to them? A shaky hand covered her mouth trying to hold back her crying "Oh well...on to the next one" Ms. Fisher grins looking her way with emotionless eyes and the guards and her followed behind the stretch leaving her alone with her thoughts. She crawling onto her bed body shaking looked at the ceiling there had to be somewhere better than this. She closed her eyes tightly "I'm so sorry Sara" she whispered the guilt was almost unbearable. She would have thrown up if there was food in her stomach. This death hit her harder then the others she's seen. Because she could have actually stopped this is she would have used her powers. She couldn't stay here a moment longer she couldn't just roll over and die she sat up looked at the metal around her ankle. She wasn't going to die like the others she was going to break out of here it was time to show them what all those experiments have turned her into.
Mia note: Here we go again everyone and yet again I'm making the story as I go I have a vision wish me luck lol

Experiment 5475
Romance***** For the last 15 years of her life experiment 5475 has only known the inside of the cold lab they only ever feed her enough to keep her alive and punish her horribly if she fought back. When they weren't experimenting on her with different chem...