When it started--

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As the night wrapped its cloak around the city, the neon lights flickered to life, casting an eerie glow on the deserted streets. In the heart of the urban jungle, amidst the rumble of engines and the scent of gasoline, stood Raven Vex, a solitary figure atop her sleek black motorcycle. Her leather-clad silhouette cut through the darkness like a blade as she surveyed the scene with a steely gaze, her lips curved into a permanent scowl.

With a flick of her wrist, Raven ignited the engine, the roar of power echoing off the surrounding buildings. The night was hers, and she ruled it with an iron fist wrapped in leather gloves. As she prepared to embark on another mission, a figure emerged from the shadows, his presence betraying an aura of warmth and light.

"Hey there, Raven," a voice called out, breaking through the stillness of the night. It was Blaze Thron Phoenix, his golden hair catching the faint glow of the streetlights as he approached with a carefree grin.

Raven's lip curled in disdain at the sight of him. Blaze was everything she wasn't - bright, cheerful, and infuriatingly optimistic. Yet, despite her best efforts to push him away, he always seemed to find his way back into her orbit like a persistent sunbeam breaking through storm clouds.

"What do you want, Blaze?" Raven growled, her voice low and gravelly as she glared at him with narrowed eyes.

Blaze shrugged, undeterred by her hostility. "Just thought I'd see if you wanted some company tonight. You know, lighten up the darkness a bit."

Raven scoffed, revving her engine impatiently. "I don't need company, especially not yours. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to."

With that, she peeled away into the night, leaving Blaze standing alone in her wake. But even as she disappeared into the shadows, he couldn't shake the feeling that Raven Vex was more than just a grumpy biker with a chip on her shoulder. Behind that tough exterior lay a darkness that called out to him like a moth to a flame, and he couldn't help but be drawn to her, no matter the danger.

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