I'm so desperate to know about you'~'

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As Blaze and Raven sit side by side at the bar, a comfortable silence settles between them, punctuated only by the soft murmur of voices and clinking glasses around them. Despite the dim lighting and the faint aroma of alcohol, there's a sense of tranquility in the air, as if the world outside ceases to exist for just a moment.

After a while, Raven breaks the silence, her voice softer than before. "You don't give up easily, do you?"

Blaze chuckles, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Not when there's someone worth getting to know."

Raven's lips twitch in a semblance of a smile before she takes a sip of her drink, her gaze drifting into the distance. "You don't know anything about me," she says, her tone tinged with a hint of sadness.

Blaze leans closer, his eyes reflecting genuine concern. "Then tell me. I want to understand."

For a moment, Raven hesitates, as if weighing the risks of opening up to someone new. But then, she takes a deep breath, her stormy eyes meeting Blaze's with newfound determination.

"I grew up on the streets," she begins, her voice steady but tinged with emotion. "Life wasn't easy, and I had to learn to fend for myself from a young age. There were times when I thought I wouldn't make it, but I refused to let the darkness consume me."

Blaze listens intently, his empathy evident in his expression as he absorbs every word Raven shares. He can sense the pain and resilience behind her guarded facade, and he feels a newfound respect for the strength she embodies.

"I've made mistakes," Raven continues, her voice growing quieter. "Things I'm not proud of. But I've also survived, against all odds."

Blaze reaches out, his hand gently resting on Raven's, offering silent support and understanding. In that moment, they share a connection that transcends words, a silent acknowledgment of each other's struggles and triumphs.

As they sit together in the quiet embrace of the bar, Blaze realizes that he's found something rare and precious in Raven—a kindred spirit who understands the depths of darkness yet refuses to be consumed by it. And in that realization, he knows that their encounter was no mere coincidence, but rather the beginning of an extraordinary journey that neither of them could have predicted.

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