My Past 《2》><

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As Raven and Blaze continue their journey, the weight of the past slowly begins to lift from Raven's shoulders, replaced by a sense of newfound freedom and hope. With Blaze by her side, she feels stronger than ever, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead with courage and determination.

As they ride, Blaze can't shake the feeling that now is the perfect time to take the next step in their relationship. He's been carrying a ring in his pocket for weeks, waiting for the right moment to ask Raven to marry him. And as they journey deeper into the heart of the countryside, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the promise of adventure, he knows that the time has finally come.

With a sense of nervous excitement coursing through his veins, Blaze steers the motorcycle off the main road and onto a secluded dirt path that winds its way through the trees. The air is thick with anticipation as they ride, the only sound the rumble of the engine and the rustle of leaves overhead.

As they reach a small clearing nestled among the trees, Blaze brings the motorcycle to a stop and dismounts, his heart pounding in his chest as he turns to face Raven. She looks at him with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation, her eyes shining with excitement as she waits for him to speak.

"Raven," Blaze begins, his voice trembling with emotion. "There's something I've been meaning to ask you. Something that's been on my mind for quite some time now."

Raven's heart skips a beat at Blaze's words, a sense of anticipation rising within her as she waits for him to continue. She can feel the tension in the air between them, thick with unspoken words and unspoken desires.

Blaze takes a deep breath, his hand trembling as he reaches into his pocket and retrieves the small velvet box that he's been carrying with him for weeks. With a sense of determination, he drops to one knee before Raven, his eyes locked with hers as he opens the box to reveal the sparkling diamond ring nestled within.

"Raven Vex," Blaze says, his voice filled with emotion. "From the moment I met you, I knew that you were the one. You've brought so much joy and light into my life, and I can't imagine spending it with anyone else. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Raven's heart swells with emotion at Blaze's words, her eyes filling with tears as she looks down at him with overwhelming love and gratitude. She never thought she'd find someone who understood her so completely, who accepted her flaws and imperfections without judgment or hesitation. And now, here he is, kneeling before her with a ring in his hand, asking her to spend the rest of her life with him.

With a trembling hand, Raven reaches out to take Blaze's, her fingers intertwining with his as she meets his gaze with unwavering determination. "Yes," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, Blaze, a thousand times yes."

Blaze's face breaks into a radiant smile at Raven's answer, his eyes shining with tears of joy as he slips the ring onto her finger. As they embrace, a sense of peace settles over them, their hearts overflowing with love and gratitude for each other.

With the ring safely in place, Blaze rises to his feet and pulls Raven into his arms, holding her close as they revel in the moment together. The world fades away around them, leaving nothing but the two of them, lost in each other's embrace.

As they stand there, wrapped in each other's arms, Raven can't help but feel a sense of excitement building within her—a sense of anticipation for the future that lies ahead. She knows that there will be challenges and obstacles along the way, but she also knows that as long as they have each other, they can face anything that comes their way with courage and determination.

With a sense of purpose burning within her, Raven turns to Blaze, her eyes shining with determination. "Let's go home," she says, her voice filled with excitement. "Let's start planning our future together."

Blaze nods in agreement, his heart filled with joy at the thought of building a life with the woman he loves. Together, hand in hand, they mount the motorcycle and ride off into the sunset, ready to begin the next chapter of their journey together. And as they disappear into the horizon, their hearts filled with hope and anticipation, they know that their love will carry them through whatever challenges lie ahead, guiding them towards a future filled with happiness and fulfillment.

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