Him being the best one for her ^~^

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After the brutal fight in the alley, Raven finds herself back at her apartment, battered and bruised from the encounter. She gingerly tends to her injuries, wincing with each movement as she cleans and bandages the cuts and bruises that mar her skin.

Despite the pain, Raven refuses to let it defeat her. With a steely resolve, she pushes through the discomfort, drawing upon the inner strength that has always been her greatest asset. She knows that she'll need time to heal, both physically and emotionally, but she refuses to let the events of the night break her spirit.

As she finishes tending to her wounds, Raven collapses onto the couch with a weary sigh, her body aching with exhaustion. She closes her eyes, allowing herself a moment of respite from the pain and turmoil that swirls around her.

But just as she begins to drift off to sleep, there's a knock at the door—a soft, tentative rap that pulls her back to reality with a jolt. Raven hesitates for a moment, unsure of who could be calling at this hour, but then she remembers—Blaze.

With a sense of anticipation coursing through her veins, Raven rises to her feet and makes her way to the door. She opens it to find Blaze standing on the other side, his eyes wide with concern as he takes in her bruised and battered appearance.

"Raven," he breathes, his voice filled with worry. "Are you okay? I heard what happened at the gym."

Raven forces a weak smile, her heart swelling with gratitude for Blaze's concern. "I'm fine," she replies, her voice barely above a whisper. "Just a few bumps and bruises, nothing I can't handle."

But Blaze isn't convinced, his eyes scanning her body for any signs of injury. "Let me see," he insists, his voice gentle but firm as he reaches out to gently touch her cheek.

Raven hesitates for a moment, but then she nods, allowing Blaze to inspect her injuries with a tender touch. His fingers are warm against her skin, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through her body as he traces the lines of her bruises with gentle care.

"You're lucky it wasn't worse," Blaze murmurs, his voice filled with relief as he meets Raven's gaze. "But you shouldn't have to go through this alone. I'm here for you, Raven. Always."

Raven's heart swells with gratitude at Blaze's words, her eyes shining with unshed tears as she takes in the depth of his concern. Without a word, she throws her arms around him, burying her face in his chest as she draws strength from his embrace.

Blaze holds her close, his arms wrapping around her with a protective warmth that soothes her troubled soul. In that moment, surrounded by the safety and security of his embrace, Raven feels a sense of peace wash over her—a feeling of belonging that she's never known before.

For a long time, they stand there in silence, lost in the comfort of each other's arms. But then, as the tension between them reaches a fever pitch, something shifts—a spark ignites between them, setting their hearts ablaze with desire.

Without a word, Blaze leans in, capturing Raven's lips in a searing kiss that leaves her breathless with longing. She responds with equal fervor, her body melting against his as they lose themselves in the heat of the moment.

Their kisses grow more urgent, more passionate, as they give in to the undeniable chemistry that crackles between them. Clothes are discarded in a frenzy of desire as they stumble towards the bedroom, their hands exploring each other's bodies with a hunger that knows no bounds.

And then, finally, they come together in a heated embrace, their bodies entwined in a tangle of limbs and desire as they give themselves over to the pleasure that consumes them. In that moment, there's no pain, no fear—only the overwhelming sensation of being loved, of being wanted, of being truly alive.

As they move together in perfect harmony, Raven feels a sense of peace wash over her—a sense of belonging that she's never known before. In Blaze's arms, she finds solace from the storm that rages within her—a sanctuary where she can forget the pain of the past and embrace the promise of the future.

And as they collapse onto the bed in a tangled heap of limbs and sweat, their bodies spent from the intensity of their lovemaking, Raven knows that she's found something truly special in Blaze—a love that transcends pain and suffering, and a bond that will endure, no matter what challenges lie ahead.

Tbc ~~~

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