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No one's pov

Jungkook reached they're HOME with tae in his arms

The poor soul was crying and begging the heartless beast the whole time. He doesn't want to go to that so called HOME.

But what he can do ?? He has no escape.

Jungkook opened the door of there house or I say mansion He gently put tae on the couch. He and tae both are drenched in the rain. He noticed that his baby is shivering in cold.

Jk: World? Are you ok ? Huh? Come come lets go I will change your clothes.

Hearing that tae looked at jk in fear .And told

Tae: No-N-no I-I will cha-change by myself. Pl-please. *Sob*

Jk :ummm..... Ok . Now lets go to our room world.

Then jk carried tae to they're room .

Jk put tae on his feets .

Jk:Now go world change your clothes. Or.... Do you want me to change it ?

Tae quickly went to the bathroom.

Seeing tae jk chuckled

Few moments later

Tae came out from the bathroom. He is wearing a simple white baggy tshirt with a pair of pants. After getting out of the bathroom he saw no one in the room .

He then went to downstairs. Where he saw jk . He was making hot chocolate. Seeing hot chocolate tae remembered JK'S words .

He run through Jungkook.

Tae: *crying* h-h-hyung please d-dont give me punishment. H-h-hyung please p-please... * Trying hard to breathe he knows his panic attack is coming*

I will do everything you say please hyung .

Jk looked at tae with a emotional less face . Then change his face into worried one

Jk : oh my goodness . World look at you. You don't look well

Jk then keeped his hand on tae's forehead. And checked if he has fever or not

Jk : World you have a very high fever. Here here drink this you will feel better my love.

Tae looked at the cup and saw hot chocolate. I chill run down his spine.

Tae: *silent*

Jk :*In deep scary voice* DRINK!!!!!!

Tae took the cup from the counter with his shaking hands and silently started to drink it.

Jk : That's like a good boy. Let me make a quick call and I will be back.ok?

Jk then went to make a call.

After a few moments

Tae finished the drink.

Jk came and saw that his baby finished the drink. He slowly went to tae . Tae was looking down the whole time. He is scared of JK'S those cold , emotional less eyes.

Jk: * caressing his hand on tae's cheek * World ~ let's go it's time for your lesson. (Or more I say PUNISHMENT)

tae: pl-please hyung Let m-me g-o this time I d-don't want to be locked i-in the dark base-basement again h-hyung .

(So let me tell you tae has nyctophobia, hemophobia so jk used to Lock tae up in the dark basement as a punishment and the poor soul faints some times or get a really bad panic attack)

Jk is now dragging tae through the basement with tae begging behind him to let him go this time.

Tae thought that jk will lock him in the basement. The basement is always being tae's most hated place in the house. Cause there is no bad work that jk didn't did in the basement. Jk is training for being a mafia. So he kills a lot of people in his basement as a "training"

But jk had another plan for tae this time.

Comment and vote if you want the next part soon

Love you 💜

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