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It's 1 am in the night

The whole hospital is silent...as the other patients are sleeping... And most of the doctors went home...

But in the VIP cabin....there is still a person who is still awake..
And the person is Jungkook...there is not a hint of sleep in his eyes.... the lights are off in the cabin...but with the help of moonlight you can still see Jungkooks dry tears.....in his eyes...he is still beside tae's bed....Jungkook's heart races as he watches tae's chest rise and fall, hoping against hope that you will pull through. He knows that he has made a terrible mistake, one that he cannot take back. He sits by tae's side, holding tae's hand which is burning in high fever and praying for tae to wake up.

He just seat down sometimes ago... Actually he was holding a cold clothe on tae's forehead...in hope that the fever will get down even a little... His mom used to do this when he used to gets sick ...and today it worked luckily the fever reduced a little...so the doctor came And gave tae medicine with the help of IV .... And went from there...so right now Jungkook and tae is all alone in the whole cabin.....

Jungkook: *shaking voice*

I love yo-u witho-ut an-y limits this he-art ha-s alwa-ys lov-ed yo-u.
I ca-n't eve-n live f-or a mo-ment awa-y fro-m yo-u....my hea-rt is addic-ted to yo-ur intox-ication.. I'm s-o in love w-ith you... what's mista-ke here?*crying*

Seei-ng yo-u in thi-s sta-ge is like a cur-se to me... I'm te-lli-ng you wo-rld....if yo-u leave me alo-ne in thi-s cruel world... I'll d-ie...i swe-ar....i have no o-ne oth-er then you...*crying*

Time skip

It's morning now... Jungkook slowly opened his eyes by hearing some voice's in the cabin

He was ready to shout at those persons because who came inside in this cabin without his permission...

Jungkook: WHO- uncle?

Jungkook was hella shook to see jin and namjoon here.... Yoongi is here too..and by looking at Jin's face he can tell that jin is angry on him....

Jungkook: hello uncle's...

Jin: ..........

Namjoon: hello son....*hugging him * how are you?

Jungkook: ......*looking at tae's unconscious body* not so good.....

Namjoon: *small smile* * signaling Jungkook to talk to jin*

Jungkook gulped and went infront of jin...

Jungkook: jin uncle....

Jin: *looking at Jungkook*  hm

Jungkook: I'm so sorry uncle i could protect him..... I'm sorry please forgive you...

Jin: * tearing up* why Jungkook....i thought you both love each other but....

Jungkook: * looking down*

Jin: he is just 17 years old....he is still a child Jungkook...he is so naive and innocent....and you all hurt him like that?

cou(sins) TAEKOOK Where stories live. Discover now