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Another morning

Tae woke up by the sound of something falling.... He looked though the detection from were the sound was coming from...he saw jk was looking at him ..

Jk: Sorry world!!! I'm so sorry!!!
I woke you up.... I didn't mean it... sorry.. go to sleep again...

Tae: it's ok, it's ok..... But where are you going in this hour.....

Looking at the wall clock

Tae: it's only 5:30 am in the morning....

Jk:*sat beside tae and sarted to caressing his hair**smiling* I have a mission..

Tae was about to open his mouth to say something but jk spoke


Jk:I know.........I know I shouldn't go to missions but world ... Try to understand... It's my job.... I'm a mafia.... Not an ordinary mafia.. but a mafia boss don't worry about me ok*kissing tae's forehead* I'll be fine....

He got up from the bed and stand facing tae...

Jk: after all your boyfriend is strong* showing his muscles 💪🏻*
Making tae chuckling

Tae:but please be safe.... Ok??

Jk:, Yes World.... I will.....I will for you...... And don't worry too much... Felix is here so you wouldn't be scared in this mansion like before...

Tae:*smiling* yeah.... *Getting up and standing in front of jk* *hugging jk* good luck!!! I believe you will win...

Jk:*hugging back tightly* Thank you! *Pulling out from the hug*


Jk: *chuckling* you are seriously addicted to hugs!!!!

Tae: *chuckling*

Jk: *peaking taes lips*

Tae: hey I didn't brush yet!!

Jk : it doesn't matter....


Here tae and jk is at the front door of the mansion..... To goodbye jk...

Jk:*kissing tae's forehead* bye world ~*sweetly* take care... LOVE YOU....

Tae:*blushing* *signaling jk to bend down a little as he is a lot taller than him*

Jk bend down...and-

Tae: *kissing on jk's cheek* love you too...*blushing*

Jk:*widened eyes* *hella happy*
*Smiling like a teenager who fell in for the first time* (well it's his first anyways)

Tae: and 'you' take care... bye~

Jk: bye ~

Time skip

Here is tae and felix is having there breakfast while laughing and talking about random things ....

Felix: tae .. where is hyung?

Tae: oh hyung... Actually he went to a mission..... So he got out from the house early in the morning...



Felix :I am done!! And  Tae I am going out...

Tae: where are you going??

Felix: dad didn't told you all !? That I'm going to launch my own business company...

Tae: What!!?! Where.... I mean when!! Congratulations hyung!!!!!!! 🎉

Felix: thank you!!! 😁

Tae: but why your own hyung... Uncle has a lot of companies..

Felix: I want to build my own so... thats why ....

Tae:oh...good luck... I'm very happy for you...

Felix: thanks.... I gotta go... Bye...

Tae: bye...

With jk

Today I'm going on a mission... And my against team is jiwons....

From behind the wall

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From behind the wall

In his ear piece

Jk: suga!!!!!Cover them from there ......

Suga: yes boss!!!!


Jk: huh?!?!?

Hobi: *Connection problem* c-ca-car-ca-carefull!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jk: *scream*

Here is a update..... It's my birthday so why not......



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