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Gagan slowly shakes jas...

Jas come in reality and looks at her...

Gagan: what happened?? Why are you looking so shocked??

Jas: nothing, I was thinking about something very deeply that's why I was so busy in it that I didn't noticed we are in party...

Gagan: are you sure about it??

Jas: why??.

Gagan: because your face expressions say something else.  ..

Jas: like??

Khush: you are afraid of something..

Jas looked at her ...

Jas: how you know it??

Khush: I'm with you since childhood, plus your eyes never lie ..

Jas: seriously there is nothing to worry about ..

Gagan: as per your choice, of you want to share then ok otherwise it's ok...

Jas nodded ..

Jas: give me sometime, I'll make it clear and tell you guys what happened..

Khush: no worries, you can take as much as time you want ...

Jas: hm...

Gagan: let's go in garden for photos....

Jas: yeah!!

Jas:( I need to ignore him for sometime, for that i have to divert my mind)..

She followed her friend to the garden..

Harman slowly hit manpreet's shoulder..

Harman: what happened ?? Why are you smiling out of nowhere??

Manpreet: nothing just found something really attractive for myself..

Harman: huh??

Manpreet: you can't understand what I mean....

Harman: Manpreet don't use any girl to move on from your previous relationship..

Manpreet: what you mean??

Harman: you were serious behind that girl but she left, the mean reason for that was you yourself. You didn't changed and still you think you can play right any girl's feeling easily..

Manpreet: stop lecturing me, I know what is right and what is wrong for me..

Harman: Manpreet i only want you to realise that it's not a good thing to use girls for -

Manpreet: I'll use you can't stop me, if they themselves don't have problem with it then why you are caring about this??

Harman: because they are also sister of someone, daughter of someone..

Manpreet: i don't care...

He stand up and left from there...

Sarb: you know him, still you are trying to explain him..

Harman: because I don't want him to destroy anyone's life and i also don't want him to regret it later...

Sarb: but what's wrong in that?? He is just doing time pass ..

Harman: that's not what a love is, love is a feeling which comes from our heart. If you get attracted by someone's appearance that's attraction not love..

Sarb: beauty matters..

Harman: a good heart matters, don't worry if in future you will fell in love with someone you will understand that how love can change a person...

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