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Jas quickly covered her face ..

Jas: aishhhh this girlll..

Khush: you should be careful about your surroundings...

Jas: right gagan , you might have spoiled  everything......

Gagan: aish noo, it's not that i just got excited when i heard that she likes someone..

She sign..

Jas: yeah I like him, but we should not show him about this thing, I'm trying to hide it .

Khush: be carefree from our side, we won't let anyone know about this until you yourself share about this thing with others ...

Jas: hmm..

Gagan: but how?

Jas: don't ask, his thoughts always run in my mind. I can't stop thinking about him even for a second, how do you suppose i will not fall in love with him..

Gagan: okok i can understand..

Jas,khush: how??

Gagan: i like their third friend..

Jas: we three, they three god have made these couples after thinking only...

Gagan: you are saying right..

Khush: so I'll be attending your engagement soon..

Jas hit her shoulder..

Khush giggled..

Boys returned..

Manpreet: we are done with rings, then clothes also, they will also give matching jewellery for her. Any makeup artist you have in your eyes, from whom you want to get ready??

Khush; i know someone, we can book her if you are ready ..

Manpreet: ok makeup done, now it's time for lunch...

Gagan: yes I'm hungry..

Jas hit her arm..

Gagan: what?? We have been roaming with them since morning, I was truly wondering if they will ask us about lunch or not ..

Jas sign ...

Manpreet: it's ok, we were consumed by work let's have lunch now...

Jas nodded while not looking at him...

They all come to the restaurant for eating..

Manpreet: you guys sit separately, have some couple time together. Don't worry about them, I'll accompany them.....

Khush looked at jas and winked at her..

Then, they sat separately from them...

Manpreet; so what should we order??

Gagan: something which will instantly full my stomach...

Jas: i want to eat a cheeseburger...

Manpreet: only cheeseburger??

Jas: with pizza...

Manpreet: anything else??

Gagan: cold drink, for now we will order this only then we will order the rest...

Manpreet: ok..

He placed the order according to their choice......

Jas become busy in using the phone, Manpreet also started using the phone to show that he is also busy.....

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