Chapter 19 - Herbology

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Thankfully this year I share all my classes with Draco and Daphne, even if we're pretending not to be friends. I walk behind the rest of the Slytherin students trying to keep my distance as we make our way to the green houses.

"SKY!" Hermione shouts behind me.
"Hey," I greet her as I stop to let her catch up.
"You should come and with us in class," Ron and Harry appear behind her, Harry looking more sheepish than usual.
"Sure," I agree stepping closer to Hermione, "what's wrong with Harry?"
"I don't know," she whispers, "he's been odd all morning. Don't worry I'll find out."
"Let me know and I'll try to help."

Hermione smiles and we make our way into the greenhouse. I stand facing directly opposite Draco who sneers at me then looks away.

"That was rude," Ron says as he stands next to me.
"I know but it can't be helped," I tell Ron.
"He's probably compensating for his stupid name," he laughs.
"What did the blood traitor say about my name," Draco turns to us.
"He said your name was stupid," I smile.
"Do you think so too half-breed," Draco turns to me.

I'm shocked, I know we agreed not to let others know we're friends but I think it's too far.

"What did you just call her?" Harry buts in.
"I called her a half breed what's it to you?" Draco turns to Harry, this has gotten way out of hand.
"Take it back Malfoy," Harry scowls at him.
"Not going to happen, she shouldn't have even been let into our house in the first place, the hat made a mistake." Draco declares.
"You're a mistake," Ron mumbles under his breath and I have to stop myself from laughing.
"I'm much more ambitious than you, I'll have you know, do you even know what you want to do when you get out of here?" I ask Draco drawing his attention back to me.
"No one knows that."
"I do."
"God you're so annoying."
"Draco just shut up you're just digging yourself a whole," Daphne says to him.
"Listen to Miss Greengrass, Mr Malfoy. If you lot are done bickering we will start our lesson, also Miss Lupin Black, last time I checked you were a Slytherin not a Gryffindor go join your house and stand next to Miss Greengrass."

I give a sad smile to my friends as I move around the table to stand next to Daphne.

"Thanks for diffusing the situation," I smile at her.
"Don't get your hopes up we're not friends, Draco was just being an embarrassment," she says to curtly but gives me a fistbumo under the table to show it's an act.

The rest of Herbology goes without another hitch (well other than Neville passing out), I even find myself laughing at Draco when he gits but by the Mandrake. Even if the start of the class didn't go well I feel like I'm going to enjoy my lessons this year, I just need to work out a way to make sure all my group projects are with Daphne or Draco.

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