Chapter 25 - Walking

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We sit trying to find anything we can on the book, nothing is mentioned in any of the texts I grabbed from the library earlier in the week.

“Are you sure you don’t know anything Draoc?” I ask him finally giving into the urge to ask.
“Why would I know anything?” He asks getting annoyed.
“Well it was your dad who gave it to Ginny, I figured you might know something.
“Wait? It was Draco’s dad?” Daphne asks, “why didn’t you say anything before?”
“I was giving him the opportunity to fess up, but he doesn’t seem to know anything.”
“God why didn’t you say something before?” Daphne asks.
“What do you mean?”
“Well Draco’s dad is a deatheater, it must be something to do with who must not be named.”
“How do you know that?” Draco asks.
“I was researching something for Sky eventually I got onto death eaters.”
“Death eaters?” I ask.
“I’ll explain later, let me borrow the book I’ve had a thought.”
“Sure,” I tell her.
“Man Daphne, you’d be unstoppable if you were a better student,” he laughs.
“Shut up Draco.”

After Daphne takes the book off me, we decide it’s enough research for the day. I lead them both out of the maze of tunnels in the castle, Daphne heads away from us as Draco and I make our way through the castle.

“Miss Lupin-Black, Mr Malfoy,” I hear the voice Professor McGonagall behind me.
“Yes Professor?” I turn around to face her.
“What are you two doing?”
“Walking around the castle,” Draco says stating the obvious, “last time I checked it wasn’t against the school rules.”
“It is if you’re skipping class, you two shall both serve detention, but don’t worry you won’t be alone.”
“What do you mean?”
“We receive word that Mr Potter and Mr Weasley stole Arthur Weasley’s car, both of them will be serving detention with you.”
“But Professor, they were on the train.”
“Don’t try to cover for them, it will only extend your punishment,” she warns me and I nod my head in agreement.
“Now then you two, off to class, come and see me at the end of the day and I’ll assign your detention.”

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