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So hello everyone, just wishing you all are happily living and if not then bad times get over soon don't worry!!!

Ok so to the ones who are hurting their eyes and going through this I am really thankful to you whenever I will be fortunate to meet you I will surely show my love for you until then I am gonna show it here 🙃💟

And this author is actually very new to this world I am really unaware of many things so some stories and I will be good at it till then you have to tolerate this newbie hahaha😗

And yes I am an ARMY A BIG ONE but I wanted to start with something INDIAN SO HERE IT IS🤌🫠

This story is gonna be about something what lies between a die heart fan and an idol

The girl doesn't know him still a fan questionable but believe me it's no judge for looks rule

This is my book so surely gonna be spicy and probably 18+ too and love is gonna be raised to power *love⁹*

ITS GONNA BE A HINDI SERIES but will be in english so anyone and everyone can read it and yes I have the same tongue my mother has which is Hindi so yeah there can be silly mistakes😄

Do lemme know any of your thoughts!!!!🙃

Disclaimer: This author is highly lazy so you better deal with it and I am having my 12th too so sometimes I can lack too mostly in the last of this year....🥹

And yes I promise you to make you feel a whole Damm zoo and make your parents doubt on you after seeing your red faces❤️‍🔥

So are you ready for it!?!?!?!

THE IDOL LOVE🩵Where stories live. Discover now