Chapter 2

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???: May i come in prof? *a voice full of arrogance can be heard*

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???: May i come in prof? *a voice full of arrogance can be heard*

Ayesha: Yes you may *smiled lovingly* you must be the new kid Manya Kapoor

Manya: You are good at guessing prof. now may i sit *while entering she can feel the whole class eyes on her why not after all she is the sister of DIVIT and the whole school knew *

Ayesha: Yeah sure you can sit beside the girl behind you her name is Aratrika *she spoke being a little intrigued by Manya's behaviour*

Manya: shift *she spoke arrogantly Aratrika shifted seeing her rude behaviour*

Ayesha: Aratrika please help Manya with the rules and regulations and there is nothing we have studied yet as this is the first class so no need of notes exchange now we may start the class

After the class ~~~~~~~~

Purna: see i told you she is a brat *she whispered in Aratrika's ear*

Adi: Shut up i am sure she can hear us

Purna: Can't you stop interfering between us like i am so done with you

Adi: *getting up from his seat he spoke while laughing* In your dreams baby

In cafeteria ~~~~~~~

The three of them were having a friendly convo while suddenly Manya sat beside them and spoke

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The three of them were having a friendly convo while suddenly Manya sat beside them and spoke

Manya: I am really amazed you three are the only one who didn't approach me and rather made it seem like i wasn't even there this really made me attracted towards you guys, you three seems different from everyone here so would you like to become friends? *all three of them looked at each other*

Aratrika: We are not sure yet but we can give it a try *the other two nodded hearing the statement until Purna said something*

Purna: Actually we found you very arrogant and as you can see we prefer and preach love *she said gaining their glares while Manya laughed out loud*

Adi: Girl cant you stay quiet when you will understand that everything is not meant to be said

Aratrika: Yes my dear Purna you could have kept it inside you *she said after gritting her teeth and passing a sarcastic smile*

Manya: *laughed a little* Its ok she is right i was behaving like that only and the reason is because of my brother everyone approaches me over his name and my identity is Divit Kapoor's sister not Manya Kapoor so i make it seem like i am a cold person even tho i love him the most but this fact hurts me but believe me once you get to know me you will forget my first impression *she winked at them* so friends????

*The two girls nodded while Adi was in shock they jerked him a little and said* you fine right?

*he was continuously staring at Manya until he realised what was he actually doing?? and spoke* Yeah i am so what was it?

Aratrika: Are you okay with befriending Manya *he nodded like he was the happiest on the earth*

Aratrika: done then its we 4 now!!!!!!

Purna: *smiled* and yes i agree you are a great person Manya sorry for speaking like that earlier *Manya nodded with a smile understanding her*

Aratrika: By the way why is your brother so famous and why everyone recognise you as his sister but not Manya

Manya: Finally someone who doesn't know him but do you even live on this planet because there is no one on this planet who dosen't know him you sound so intriguing right now


Adi: lets go or the professor will eat us alive...... *everyone stood up and started going to the class*

IN CLASS ~~~~~~

IN CLASS ~~~~~~

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Prof: Miss. Manya I expect you to be new here to test your basics I wanna ask you some general questions of chemistry I hope you can answer them!!!!

1st question for you is Explain the function of tartaric acid in baking a cake?

Manya : *stayed quite for a second* *Aratrika whispering*

Manya: it helps to kill the bitterness formed

(A/n pov: If you can't understand the point then the formation of baking soda is done with the composition of baking powder and tartaric acid while baking a cake the tartaric acid kills the bitterness formed)

Prof: Good next question is what do you mean by a standard solution?

Manya: aaaaaa-----its

*whispering voice of Aratrika came: its a solution whose concentration is known*

Manya: Prof. its a solution whose concentration is known *she spoke*

Prof: Ok I consider you a good student you may sit now

Manya: Double thanks for the questions you know I am very bad at chemistry that's why I was unable to answer even one of them Thanks💜 *she spoke happily*

Aratrika: This is what friends are for *they smiled at each other*

Suddenly it was announced on the speaker *Miss Manya Kapoor please come to the principal's office*

Why Manya is called to the principal's office what is the reason???

We may unwrap the mystery soon!!!!

So stay tuned lovely people💜😙

The video and photos used in the book are not mine most of them are from youtube or pinterest so the credit goes to the rightful owner🩵!!!

Love you all💟
Your author_EVANNA✨️

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