Chapter 22

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Note:- You can mute the audio if it feels disturbing😄

Divit's Pov:

Divit: Stay quiet Priye....and enjoy the special treatment *i scrunched my nose and walked towards the stairs*

We finally reached Manya's room followed by everyone....

We finally reached Manya's room followed by everyone

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I kept her on the bed....and placed a pillow under her ankle!!!

We all settled down around her...while her back was pressed against the headrest as to give her support

Adi: I really think Love makes you gain weight.....See Aratrika you have gotten chubbier then before *he said laughing*

Aratrika: My one leg is still functioning do you want to get a kick?? *she smiled mockingly*

Manya: But I think he is right *she said agreeing with him*

Aratrika: Haww Manya....which team are you on?? *her mouth got open*

Adi: A fly will enter close your mouth!! And ofcourse she is on my side after all I-- *he stopped in between*

When all of our gazes went towards him
I could see Manya had her eyes all open

Divit: Why she will take your side?? *i enquired him*

Aratrika: Ahmm...beacuse they are good friends *she spoke gaining my attention*

Adi: Hey Purna...why so quiet?? *we noticed one of her friend who was a little silent from few minutes*

Purna: Ahh Nothing...*she retorted back*

Manya: I think she is feeling absence of particular someone *she said wiggling her eyebrows*

Purna: Shut up nothings like that...You make up scenarios...stop reading those fictional novels *she said with a bored expression*

Divit: What fictional books??...She dosent even read books of her syllabus and she is reading novels...I won't believe *i said laughing a little*

Purna: Yeah because they are boring and have no practical she dosent read...But believe me the fictional ones dosent fail to make you understand Biology!!!! *she said smiling at Manya who had her eyes out of the socket while Adi just laughed like a maniac*

Divit: Manya what does she mean??

Manya: Bhai you ask Aratrika she also reads them

Divit: Huh Aratrika she is bio student so she must read those...After all she is a topper
Isn't it Aratrika?? *i looked at her for answer but we all got surprised because she slept in the same position we all slightly chuckled at her*

Adi: I think we should leave her alone

Manya: Yeah make her comfortable we will be in hall

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