Chapter 43

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Note:- You can mute the audio if it feels disturbing😄

I took a step towards her chair

Divit: I am not your brother for your very kind information

Aratrika: But I am Manya's friend and Manya is your sister dosent it mean I am your sister too?

And before I could say something she got up and started jogging away

Divit: Stop there Aratrika

I said with a deep growl....And I felt her stopping there only....I can sense her nervous face and that big gulp
I smirked & walked towards her

I crashed her back with my front and kept my hand on her exposed waist....her hairs were blocking her neck and face....

Using the other hand I removed them and suddenly a pleasant wooden Musk smell hitted my nose

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Using the other hand I removed them and suddenly a pleasant wooden Musk smell hitted my nose...ahh I missed this her body lotion smells like this!!!! And I am not ashamed of being addicted to it

I slowly lingered my chin on her neck
And she still kept quiet neither protesting nor accepting

I finally opened my mouth

Divit: Priye!
I am still angry with you
So I accept you to make it up to me rather than showing tantrums

Aratrika: Stay angry idc
Nonetheless you are just my friends brother and ofc in that case mine too

OK she is still not over that thing
I was about to say something when Mrunal interrupted us

Mrunal: Bhaiya what are you doing with Aratrika Ji

He pulled her towards him unclasping my hold from her
I looked at him with raged eyes ready to bury him

I was still enjoying her & her scent when he did this....

Mrunal: She is so innocent bhaiya
And look she looks so nervous because of you

I moved my hands through my hair after hearing his shit

Because of me?

She can never be nervous....!! She wasnt nervous the day before yesterday that night when I literally tasted her and now she is nervous?

I looked at her with more intimidating expressions
Like freak!!!
And her not so cared face made me loose it!

I held her hand and dragged her out of the room

Mrunal: Aree bhai----

Aratrika: Broo---

As she said that word again I turned with the death glare and she halted at her words
My grip tightened and I dragged her to the room even after her protest....

Aratrika: Leave me it's hurting

Divit: Something would hurt more than this

Aratrika: Leave me ughh

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