Chapter 11

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Author pov ;
at mall

"No, I will only give you 1200 for this". Vritika said more like arguing with the owner.
"But mam it's rate is 20,000 you are saying us to discount on this too much".
No means noo. Vritika said.

"Mam you are very rich business woman why are you doing like this". Shopkeeper said.

"I am rich that doesn't mean I will throw my money in water". Vritika said.

"Ok. Take this one". Finally shopkeeper accept his failure.

She was about to leave that place but suddenly two men came in front of her and dragged her somewhere.

"L-leave me who are you"?. Vritika asked.
"No one fir you but wants to be your". One of them said.

"Sale, I will buy 4 generation of yours understood leave me". Vritika said in anger.

"You are alone, I am alone let's have some fun".saying this they both dragged her to the room they tied her hands.

"You freaking baster leave me". Vritika said and kicked one of them with her leg.

Mihir was waiting for her as well as everyone so he decided to search for her soon Mihir came and asked shopkeeper. "Have you seen this girl" ?

Yaa sir some people took her inside that garage area. Mihir nooded and got tensed he ran toward the garage he heard girl shouting he ran toward the sound and saw the room there.
"Open the room". He shouted but no body was opening it.
Soon some men sounds started coming loud.
"Open the freaking door bastard". Mihir again shouted. He started to break the door. And sceen in front of him made him shocked.
One man was laying on the floor and another was tied on the bed. There was lot's of blood in room there hands of the boody was already cuted from there body. He saw Vritika sitting on chair with knife in her hand and looking at them while smirking. Mihir jaw dropped but he felt proud on Vritika.

"You should have thought, whome you are trying to kidnap mr.chilgoseee".

"What the heck". Mihir said to which Vritika just looked upward without any emotions.

"Why you choped there hands"? Mihir asked because he wanted to hear that from her mouth.

"What do you mean"? Vritika asked while raising her one eyebrows.

"You should have shooted them on there things with they use to rape the girls". Saying this he took out the gun and shooted them. Vritika stood up as soon as she saw the sceen and lifted wet her eye lead up .

"Are you okay"? Mihir asked

"Hmm". She just nooded saying this.
You must be think why I did this illegal. Mihir said.

"No, I know you are mafia". Vritika replied.

"How"? Mihir asked.

"Because jiju told me . Vritika said.

" Bhai told you about his secret why?"? Mihir asked in confusion.

"Because I am also mafia female boss and what do you think why I let suryveer come near Isha because I know he is good for her ". Vritika said that made mihir hell shocked. But his eyes captured something else.

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