Chapter 8

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Author pov.

Ashika got up from the chair when she saw shourya coming.

"W-who are you"? Ashika asked.

Shourya was lost in her beauty but hearing ashika he replied. " Sorry I mistakenly jumped here".

She just but suddenly some knock on the door she got scared again.

Shourya eyes went towards the camera so he threw his watch toward it causing camera to break into peices.

"Please go from here, he will kill me if he saw me with you". Ashika said to him

"Who"? he asked to her.

"He is very dangerous please go, he will kill you". Ashika again said in fear. Then again someone knocked.

"Look Please don't be scared I am a A. C. P shourya singh khurana I can help you". Saying this he show his identity card.
The knock on the door increased. Ashika got panic.

"Shh! Calm down I am hidding here ok". Shourya said while hiding behind the wall .

Ashika went and opened the door. Only to receive a tight slap from her baba.
She toched her right cheeck on which he just slapped.

"From how long we are knocking huh "? Nishant said.

"N-nishant I am s-s-oory". Ashika said in her trembled voice.

"Whatever now let's go". Nishant said.
Ashika looked at shourya from her side eye's. Shourya signaled her go with him.

Shourya messaged someone.

Ashika then nooded and went with him . She was following him but suddenly all the light's got off.

"What is this now"?. Nishant said in frustration.

"Ashish go and check the lights" . Nishant ordered on of his man who was near him.

"Ji boss". Ashish replied and went to see the light. Soon the light came and the scene in front of him made him more angry.

"Where is Ashika"? He asked in anger.

"We don't know". Ashish said.

Nishant took out the gun and shooted
Ashish, saying. "Then die".

Everyone started searching her.

"Boss". Vishwa came running.

"What? She ran away". Vishwa said in scared voice .

"How do you, she is so week girl she can't run away"? Nishat asked in anger.

"Yes, she can't run away but the new A. C. P whome government hiered to catch you is very much clever". Vishwa said.

"What do you mean"? Nishant asked in confusion.

"Sir , she ran away with that A. C. P. ,I got the Cctv of Ashika's room i saw a man entering inside her room from window his face was blur but sir he broke the camera after that". Vishwa replied

Nishant shouted in anger.


Ashika pov.

I was so scared when I was following Nishant my tears was not stopping I don't know what's gona happen with me I came out from my thoughts when suddenly all the light goes off. I felt someone hand on my waist and within a second i felt like I am in air I was about to shout when I heard.

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