chapter 29

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Saransh office..

Vani was sitting on her desk without blinking her eyes as she was in deep thought. Saransh noticed and went toward her he kept his hand on her shoulder but jerk that off immediately. But when she looked behind she took a deep breath and was about to say something but saransh stopped her, " Shhh "

"I am not able to clear that trauma Ansh ", Vani said . Saransh sat down on his knees and made vani sit on his lap.

" I am with you ", Saransh said and Vani kept her head on his shoulder.


Khurana Females Isha and vritika was shopping for baby clothes the news were just out about her pregnancy vani and Ashika were shopping for baby Asecceries they were doing shopping when nishnaat eyes got Ashika he ran toward her and held her arms. Ashika eyes got scared when she saw Nishant. Vani noticed that and she jerked Nishant hand from Ashika hand he look toward her with anger filled in his eyes. But his expression change when he saw vani.
"Waa, baby your frnd is also gorgeous just one night with you both will be so satisfying ", Nishant said only to receive hard slap from Ashika.

" I am not at all soft and helpless woman this Ashika know how to kill someone ", Ashika said in anger.

Nishant ego was hurt so hurt that he slapped Ashika in return and then held vani hair and was about to place his lips on her checks vani kicked on his ball making him growl in anger and pain. Both of them held each other arms and ran from there . They joined Isha and vritika without saying anything. Soon they forget about nishant. Everyone went toward the car there shopping was complete.

"Vani hold this n ", Vritika request vani but no response. She looked here and there and didn't find vani.

" Bhabhi Nishant _n.nishant was there bhabhi he must have done something ", Ashika said in fear and anger.

" Lemme call the men ", Isha said and called veer , mihir, shourya and saransh they all arrived within 5 min.

At garage..

" Leave me fucking baster ", Vani cursed to him and kicked on his face his face turn side she was about to run when he hit the bat present there. Her head started spinning but she was still walking.

Nishant held her arms and threw her inside his car.

" L_l.eave me you baster ", Vani shouted in her low voice. Because she was feeling unbearable pain on her head.

Nishant stripped her sleeves. She again kicked on her ball. He tried to strip her kurti but she again kicked wich cause only to strip till her upper chest area.she kept her both arms in criss cross
position .

Saransh heard the voice and came inside the garage everyone followed him. He hit the rod on Nishant head. And immediately made Vani to stood up.

Saransh took out his shirt and pulled vani close to him. He patted her head as she shivering like hell.

"A.a_nsh h_.he ", she got cut off when saransh held more tightly and said, " Shhhh you are safe petal and I will never let anyone harm you ", He said.

Soon a sound of gun ecoed in the garage everyone got looked toward the direction only to gasp at the sight .

Ashika was holding a gun in her hand while Nishant was laying unconscious in the pool of his own blood . She was shaking in anger her whole body temperature was raised. No expression was on her face. Only the blood stain was on her kurti and face. Shourya ran toward her and held her tightly. He could feel how angry she was.

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