chapter 30

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Everyone was so cheered up as today was isheer weeding anniversary. All of them were currently sitting on dinning table having there food.

"Hey I want us to go mandir ", Geet said.

" Hmm okay", Veer said while chewing his food.

"Umm okay", Veer nooded his head before getting up from his chair.

" Queen please come back in the room fast ", Veer said in cold voice. Isha was confused because of his behavior from tomorrow but she shrugged it off as she know he must have taken work load.

"Maa I am done ", Isha said getting up from her chair she followed Veer inside his room. But found no one there.

" Veer ", She said but no response.
Suddenly she felt hand over her waist and smile crept on her face realizing who was the person.

" Happy anniversary my queen ", Veer said and her eyes went on the clock it was 12 pm.

" Happy anniversary my king ", Isha replied while turning her face toward him.

They both looked outside from the window and smiled remembering there moment on there weeding day they both were standing in the same pose looking at the moon together.

" 1 year passed ", Both said together and giggled.

" Let's sleep ", Veer said picked her up in the bridal style and kept her on the bed. He climbed the bed and kept his head on her stomach.

" Please love your mumma just like I do ", Veer said keeping his hand on her baby bump.

" Ahh! ", Isha hissed in pain and Veer got up before looking at her.

" What happened? ", He asked Woridely.

" Baby kicked ", Isha said with tears in her eyes. Smile knocked on veer face and he again kept his head.

" Baby is listing his papa right ", Veer said.

" Papa ", they both heard the voice from behind and they turn their face only to find Nitya standing there rubbing her eyes with her back of palm.

" Yes baccha ", Isha said while veer opened his arms wide for her and she climbed on the bed.

" Papa what are you both doing? ", Nitu asked.

" Papa is talking to baby nitu ", Veer said.

" Papa? ", Nituu pocked him little with her index finger. Veer raised his one eye brow in response.

" You will still gona love me n? ", Nitu asked keeping her head on Veer shoulder hugging him tightly. Isha and veer looked at each other realizing her insecurity toward them.

Pulling her more closer he said, "I will always love you more then chhota baby because you are my second baby ",

" Who is first? ", Nitu asked looking at him .

" Your mumma ", Veer said and isha slapped him on hi arms .

" Have some shame veer you are father now ", Isha said.

" I will be shameless till my last breath", Veer said and isha gasped.

"Uffo mumma, papa stopp ", Nitu said and they bite there lips.

" Ok I am was here to say you both good night now byy", Saying this nitu ran toward her room.

In Hall...

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