chapter 28

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Sitting on the swing Isha was slowly swinging. Her baby bump was little visible as she was wearing floral frock she was holding her bump. Veer came and sat beside her.

"Soo how's my baby and her mumma? ", Veer asked .

"Good", Isha said and looked toward him with teary eyes.

"What happened to mine fire flower? ", Veer asked immediately seeing tears in her eyes.

" You will forgot me after the baby right ? "Isha asked.

" No, you are the second most important women in my life and the baby will gona be third one and you are still more important then baby", Veer said cupping her face.

"Promise ", Isha said

" Pinky promise ", Veer replied.

" You remember the moment when you told me that you are pregnant? ", Veer asked

" Yaa I remember you litrely lifted me up from my hips and you went too crazy that you were not letting me walk on my feets ", Isha said with little giggled.

" So much time has passed veer look n we are gona celebrate our first marriage anniversary after some day's", Isha said.

" Yes with our little gogglie inside your Tommy ", Veer said with giggled.

" You told me I am second most important women than who is the first and the third? ", Isha asked in anger.

" First is my mumma second you and third is going to be our little cuite daughter ", Veer said.

" How are so sure that you are gona have daughter ? " Isha asked.

"I am praying everyday God have to listen me ", Veer replied.

" Why not boy but? "Isha asked

" I don't have problem with baby boy but I want daughter first ", Veer replied and Isha side hugged him.

" Jijuuu , ishuuu what topic is going on ? "Vritika asked coming from behind.

" Umm, about baby boy or baby girl ", Isha said.

" I want sister mumma ", Nitu said who was holding vritika duppata from behind
" Daddy's daughter ", Isha signed before saying.

Veer and Nitu high fived each other.

" Whatever even if it's a baby boy or girl he or she is gona be my baby ", Vritika said.

" No she will be my daughter ", Mihir said coming in the garden followed by Shourya and Ashika.

" No, mine daughter ", Vritika said being little angry.

" Mine ", Mihir said.

" I said mine ", This time vritika shouted.

" Betiiii chorrrrr ", Mihir said

" And youuu baccha chorrr ", Vritika said in return.

" You beta chorr, first you use to steal sisters now you are stealing my son or daughter also ", Mihir said.

" SHUT UP GUY'S ", isheer and shoika shouted together.

" YOU BOTH ARE MARRIED SO WHATEVER WILL COME ON EARTH BOTH OF YOU GONA BE THERE PARENTS ", All four of them shouted and Mihir looked toward Vritika who fumming in anger.

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