Prologue (Updated)

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"Tell me, love. What is it that you want?"

"You will have to leave me alone if you can't do it."

"That won't happen ever-" he grits his teeth stepping closer to me, caging me between his arms and the wall. "Just tell me, Ayesha." He husked looking at my lips.

"Beg, Arjun. On your knees." I smirk.

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Fuck it's too hot. I burnt my tongue and spilled a little tea on my top. Why am I acting like a buffoon today? What the hell is wrong with me?

"Here." He passes me a handkerchief.

Ok when did he come and stand right next to me? Probably when I was busy acting like a buffoon.

I take it from him wiping my lips and then my top where I had spilled the hot liquid. My cleavage has gotten a little red due to the extreme hot chai.

I move my gaze to him to see him staring at my tits. How dare he? Fucking pervert!

Well it is not like he hasn't seen them before. But they are bigger now.

Shut the fuck up, horny bitch!!

"Thanks. I'll return the handkerchief after washing it." I say to him loud and clear to get his attention from my tits back to my face.

His eyes darkened with dilated pupils meet mine. I see the same desire in them that I saw 5 years back. It's like he is ready to pounce on me.

"It's fine." And he literally snatches it from my hand putting it in his back pocket.

We have our teas in silence with passing occasional glances at each other.

He is leaning against the table just a few steps away from me. I can see his face from up close now shamelessly as he is indulged in typing something on his phone.

His face now much more matured. He has grown a beard now, adding to his strong persona. He was just a 21 year old boy back then. Playful, fun loving, typical boy-next door. He charmed me in no time with his bright personality.

But he is a man now. I haven't seen him smile even once since the time he entered the conference room. I forgot how tall he was. 'Giant man' as I used to call him. Hir perfectly styled hair, which used to messy and wavy before. His Armani suit fits him like a second skin. As if it was stitched on his body. He looks even more handsome now, even hotter I must say. The beard suits him.

Even after all these years and changes in his appearance, I still can help but feel the same attraction towards him. Even more, if that's even possible? What is it about him that makes me lose my mind every fucking time?

Nothing has changed. I still can not be with him or anyone for that matter. Not that I am even slightly interested in anyone.

Why did he have to come back into my life like a fucking tornado? Making me question everything all over again.

I come back to earth by his stern voice.

"Why did you run away, Vaani?" Frustration evident in his tone and he's looking right back at me, now.

Why is he using that fake name that I told him 5 years ago? He must have heard Prerna when she mentioned my name, right?

"Did you not recognise me?" He almost sounds hurt and this is the first time he has shown a tiny amount of emotion.

Of course I recognise him.
How can I forget that night, Arjun?

"My name is Ayesha Arora, Mr. Mehra. I think we should discuss about the purpose of our meeting rather than some old one night mistakes." I say trying my best to keep a straight face with blank expression.

"So you do remember me, Vaani, oops my bad, Ms. Ayesha Arora." He says sarcastically.

Ok I get now what he is trying to do.

Game on, Arjun.

I know he is calling me 'Vaani' just to trigger me and get a reaction out of me. He for sure has done his share of research on me and probably knows much more about me than I'd like him to.

But you can't play me so easily, Arjun.

His intimidating gaze is sending shivers all around my body. I don't want him to know how much effect he has on me so I maintain the eye contact with the blank expression that I've learnt to master in the past few years.

He took a few steps towards my chair and bent down to my face level. His strong sandalwood and citrusy scent reaches my nostrils and almost takes my breath away. Our faces, too close to my liking. His warm breath brushes on my neck making me feel all sorts of weird things in my tummy. His hand travels from my bare legs to my thighs.

What is he doin-

He steadies me as I was unknowingly tapping my feet like a crazy person.

He steadies me as I was unknowingly tapping my feet like a crazy person

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Fuck you, anxiety.

His soft lips brush past my earlobe like a feather and he whispers huskily,

"Calm down, love. I won't bite... yet."

Someone please ban him from uttering this word.

I think I am creaming in my panties already.

It took all of me to push him away.
"Do not touch me without my permission!" I yell getting up from my chair.

I am done with this shit. I have to go.

"Oh really? Did you use your pretty mouth like this when that jerk touched you, hmm?" He takes a few steps closer to me and I take a few back.

Is he talking about Ryan? Must be him only.

And my back hits the wall. I am sandwiched between the wall and this giant fucking man with his hands on my either sides, towering over me.

"Maybe I liked his touch." I say with a smirk.

Why the fuck am I provoking him?

His jaw clenches and something dangerous flickers in his eyes which I am unable to decipher. There's an unsaid warning in his glare, enough for me to keep my mouth shut. He moves closer with his eyes on my lips.

No. No. Please no.

I know I would definitely kiss him back and all of my charade of pretence will go down the drain.


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