29. Angst

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Think Ayesha think.

It's like my brain has shut down all together. All because of this sexy fucker in front of me. I am supposed to be mad at him and here I am sitting here like a dummy while he is walking towards me to kiss me?

"You can't give the same dare again," Aditya says frowning.

"And who made that rule?" Raghav says teasingly.

Arjun ignores both of them and simply keeps walking in my direction. Virat is sitting at my right and Zoya is on my left. He can't possibly be coming to kiss either of them right?

"Yeah he is right, change the dare Raghav," I say finally gathering myself.

I am avoiding looking in his eyes. He stops in front of me completely ignoring what I or anyone else is saying. At this point, even I am not paying attention to what anyone is saying.

He cups my cheeks so gently and tilts my head to finally make me look at him. He bends down.

Breathe, Ayesha.

He strong masculine scent clogs my senses and ability to move or say anything.

He looks in my eyes and bends to my face level. He softly presses his lips to the top of my head. His lips linger on my head for longer than necessary.

I don't think I am breathing.

Don't flutter, stupid heart.

He is still the asshole who left me after fucking me thrice in a night.

He finally takes a step back. His eyes linger on my face trying to convey something but I avert my gaze to avoid getting lost in his eyes again.

"Awww." I hear Isha say lovingly.

"You are no fun man. Forehead kiss, seriously?" Raghav snickers.

"Shut up." Isha mumbles elbowing Raghav.

Arjun walks towards his place and settles again ignoring everyone.

"Since you didn't complete the dare, here's another one– I heard you are a great singer. So sing for us–" Raghav eyes me teasingly. "or anyone in particular if you want?"

Raghav has clearly gone mad after getting engaged or maybe after knowing about Isha's pregnancy.

But I, too would want to hear Arjun sing. It's been so many years. I still remember how unique his voice was and how beautifully he sang. I wonder why he doesn't sing anymore? I never got a chance to ask him about that.

His expressions remain unreadable. After a few seconds, he finally replies,


"Why not?" Zoya asks this time.

"I don't sing anymore." Arjun says plainly glancing at me.

I wonder why?

"You tell him." Zoya whispers in my ear.

"Let him be. He clearly doesn't want to sing." I whisper back.

"This game is so boring. Just stop it and tell me what are we doing tomorrow?" Virat asks sensing the awkward atmosphere.

He is smart in these things.

We all discuss the plan for tomorrow and Arjun and Abhishek are again joining us tomorrow as Raghav and Virat, being the biggest fucking assholes, invited them again. They happily agreed.

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