8. Lies

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I slowly try to open my eyes still basking in the ecstasy and pleasure of the events of last night. I stretch my hand to feel her warm body against mine.

She's not here.



I get up from the bed stumbling. She could be in the washroom I think. I quickly go over the washroom only to find it empty.



I go back towards the bed to find my hoodie that I gave her last night to wear. It's folded nicely. No sign of her. It's like she was never here. Sweat beads start forming on my forehead. I feel a weird kind of heartache.

I pick the hoodie up in my hands. It smells like her now. A paper slips out from it.

A note.
From her.


I am so sorry for everything. Take care of yourself, giant man.



I feel like my hands are shaking. She left. She left. She left.

But why did she leave like this? She didn't even give me a chance to say anything. I thought I would tell her about how I feel about her.

And what does she mean by "I am sorry for everything"? And who the fuck is 'A'?

I feel like my head will burst any moment.


This can't be happening. I can't just let her go like that. I have to know why she left. I quickly throw on a T-shirt and sweatpants and shoes. I have to go to the camps to find her. I still have time is what I keep telling myself. She said she will leave tonight. So I can go there, find her and talk to her.

I have a faint memory of her cupping my face and pecking my lips in my sleep. I pulled her closer to me and mumbled 'stay like this with me forever'. I don't know if I was dreaming or was it real. How ironic if that actually happened. She heard me and she decided to leave? Ha!

Fuck this headache keeps getting worse.

I pick up my phone and see it's 10 AM right now. Also, there are 2 missed calls from Kirti at 6 AM. I ignore it as right now I really don't give a shit about anything or anyone other than finding her. I rush out of the room towards the lobby, only to find my whole group going towards the hotel's restaurant to have breakfast.

"Oye! Arjun! You didn't pick up my calls. I saw—"

"I don't have to time for this right now. I have to go." I cut Kirti off and rush towards the door.

A hand grabs my arm to stop me. I turn around to see it's Abhishek.

"I think you should listen to what Kirti has to say before going anywhere" Abhi tells me with a concerned face.

"I will, but later. I have to go find her first." I tell him.

"It is about her."

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