16. Sir

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I have no idea what is going on in my life. Arjun is driving me insane.

After the meeting the other day, I thought he would approach me again to get his 'answers'. But what he did? Nothing. No contact of any any sort.

I should've been relieved but my stupid ass was somewhere deep in my heart was waiting for him to initiate something. Why did I feel bad due to his negligence?

At this point, even I do not know what I want.

Then when I saw him at Sanvi's house, first of all what a big fucking coincidence that he is Sanvi's brother?? It makes sense now why all his businesses are named after Yug. Second, he again started to pull those antics like holding my hand while performing Aarti and calling me love.

That word always does something in my heart. I feel a zoo of butterflies in my tummy each and every time.

And after the Puja day, he again disappeared. No contact whatsoever. If he wants his answers so badly, then why is he not approaching me? And if he does not care, then why does he act like that whenever we are around each other?

What exactly is going on in his head?

I have lost the count of how many times I have googled him. He is quite a private person, though. Nothing about his dating life or girlfriends. I got to know that his dad passed away 4 years ago, making him the heir to all his businesses. They suffered quite a few blows in the beginning but now he has made his business reach newer heights. He is one of the top 10 richest men of the country.

I can't help but wonder why he abandoned his dream to be a singer. Was it family pressure or the burden of responsibilities? It must have been hard for him handling everything all by himself. He is lucky to have a nice loving family with him, though. They all seemed pretty attached to each other. The kind of love I've never known and never will.

Notification chimes*

Hello, Ms. Ayesha. As you already know that you are required to visit the office tomorrow. I wanted to inform you that instead of 10 AM, as informed earlier, the time has preponed to 8:30 AM. Hope it doesn't cause you any inconvenience.

I am so sorry but who are you ?

Apologies, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Meher, Mr. Mehra's assistant.

Oh, it's alright. I will be there.


Could he not inform me himself instead of telling his assistant to do so?

Shut up, Ayesha.

It'e better this way.

We should maintain the professional relationship only. It's good that he is acting formally with me.

But why 8:30 AM? Ugh! I am not a morning person at all. On top of it, I have to go alone with my assistant, Harsh tomorrow as Zoya is going to overlook one of his restaurants.

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